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( Pic is the wedding dress )

~ Two weeks later ~ third person

Today would be a big day in the Marble Kingdom. The wedding of the princess of the Marble kingdom and the prince of the Jade Kingdom. The two got along well. Its probably for the reason the princess is what you people call a 'tomboy' now in days.

~ Anissa's POV ~ one hour before the wedding

I watch as my maids throw tons of dresses at me. I sigh. The maids keep showing dresses. I can't believe today is my wedding day. I so nervous. I mean what if I trip..or a dragon appears out of nowhere. (I mean like a wild dragon.cause we have dragons of our own)

"It will fine." Jazmyn my milkmaid says.

"Its just that-"

"ANISSA IT WILL BE FINE!!" Cheshire says. We also call Clare that.

"How about this dress?" Clare says holding up a silky white dress.

"Clare that's perfect!!" I say happily before hugging her.

"Hey Clare to thank you. I want to make you one of our knights!!" I say smiling.

"Really?!" Clare says her smiles very big. I nod my nod. "Thank you,Thank you!!" She says before hugging me tightly. I knew Clare was tired of being the fool. And I knew she didn't want to be a maid. I knew Clare always had the ponential and federation to be a great knight even though she is a girl.

" Alright everyone get out." I say smiling.

"What?!" Everyone shouts.

"I got to get the dress on!!" I say and push them out of the door. Ugh.

~ Prince Jackson ~

"You all ready Prince Jackson?" JC says talking to the me. I nod my head. Today I would be getting married to the princess of the Marble kingdom. I heard about her before I met her. I was really nervous she wouldn't like me at first. But it turns out she was  really nice and was different then you would expect from a princess. She showed me her crow Bob. I thought that was strange at first then it turned out to be funny to see her chase him around the room. Then I decided to join in. We got along really well. And I think the king actually is starting to like me.

"Yeah I'm ready." I say smiling. I walk out the door ready to meet my bride to be. I went down the red carpet. I saw Anissa standing there wearing a white dress and she stared and glared at a snickering Elizabeth. I didn't know why? I just ignored it and stood by her.

She glared over at Elizabeth because of a joke she just made and didn't even notice me standing beside me. Until she  turned around.

"Oh Hey!!" She said nervously and awkwardly. I laughed.

"Would you quit laughing!" She scolded at me.

"I'm sorry." I said. Then Jazmyn made a sound. She made a very long speech then she got to the vows.

"Do you Anissa take Prince Jackson of the Jade kingdom to be your awful wedded husband?" She asked.

"Its Princess Anissa." Anissa whispered. Like it really mattered.

"Ok redo. Do-"

"I Do." She said interrupting her.

"Is this how a wedding suppose to go?" Clare whispered in Delaney's ear.

"I don't know." Delaney said.

"I'm just here for the cake." Maddie said and grinned. I was biting my tongue trying not to laugh so hard right now.

"Do you Prince Jackson take-"

"I do." I said. I wanted the vows to be over before someone does something stupid.

"Um.....ok...then.. You may-"

"This wedding is beautiful!!" Ashley blurted out. Everyone stared at her.

"That's it damn it. I getting a drink." Some random guy said and got up.

"Just kiss already!!" Delaney shouted getting impatient. Then JC got up.

"I doing this for everyone." JC said. My eyes widened. What is he-...

Before I could even think JC grabbed me and Anissa's heads and forced us to kiss. I felt my face turning red. Then I heard clapping. Clare did a singular clap.

Then I gasped for air. My face was bright red and so was Anissa's.

"Cake!!" Maddie shouted and jumped right into the cake....

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