Chapter24: Who kills who?

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I wanted to contradict her but she was right. Adrian tried to kill us in the morning, may be, he wanted to kill Chase only. May be, he wasn't expecting me sitting next to him in that car.

She added," Lily, you just have to stab his heart."

"Why me? Why don't you do that?"

"Somehow, my curse caught feelings. He mistook you for me but later, even when I was back, he didn't back off from loving you."

"And then, you say that he doesn't have a mind to think." I mocked her.

" Thing is that he loves you. So, he'll walk into your trap without even thinking. We can use that as our advantage."

Chase bit his lip," How could someone stab someone else by a pendant?"

"So funny, Chase! Did I ask Lily to stab him with a pendant?"

"But you just asked her to stab his heart..."

Gabriella got up from her chair and went to the fireplace. There was a small golden antique box placed on the mantel place. She took out a small dagger from it and handed it to Chase.
She took off her pendant and fixed the butterfly on a tiny groove at the handle of the dagger.

"I stole this dagger from the Witch. See, how it fits? This is how Lily would stab him."

I took the dagger from Chase and examined the sharp silver blade that would pierce the heart that I thought beated for me. I never felt so attracted to anyone else before. There was something special about Adrian. I moved my fingers slowly up the sharp blade to its tip.


Gabriella took the dagger from my hand. My index finger was bleeding profusely.
Chase held my finger and pressed it.
"Get a bandage, please." He asked Gabriella.

"Lily, whats wrong with you?" Chase brushed my hair behind my ear with his other hand.

"Nothing. I didn't know how sharp it was." I said blankly.


"Ï'm alright,Chase." I stood up and walked towards Gabriella. She handed me the bandage.

"When we have to do it?"

"Right now." She replied so happily.

"But how would I summon Adrain?"

"No need. He's here! He thought, I'll harm you. He came to rescue you."

"Where's Adrian?" I asked.

"He's searching for you upstairs. He doesn't know about this room. I'll take you out of this room, and Chase would stay here. After you have done your work, I'll let both of you leave safely."

I placed the dagger in the pocket of my jacket aand nodded," I'm ready."

I walked towards Chase and hugged him tightly.

"When I'll leave, just ask Gabriella that you want to see Adrian being killed by me. You need to get out of this place at every cost. Do you understand?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yes, I do. Don't worry about me,honey." He kissed my cheeks.

Gabriella held my hand and vanished away from the room.
Soon, we were standing in a cold dark hall with a huge staircase just behind me.She whispered,"I'll meet you in an hour."
I was about to utter my reply but she vanished away.
I looked around in the gloomy dark. Silver Moonlight was streaming inthrough the windows. I started walking through the furniture that was covered with cream sheets that once would have been white.
Suddenly, a saw a hooded man in the corridor.
I called out aloud," Is that you, Adrian?"
He turned his head towards the hall where I was standing.


"I'm here, Adrian."
I walked towards him, and he rushed towards me too. He was wearing a black hood, similar to the one I saw in the morning. That made me so angry that I wanted to stab him at once. But I controlled myself.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm alright." I nodded.

I took few steps towards him but he backed away from me. I took few steps more, and he repeated the same.

"What happened at the police station?" I asked.

"Nothing, you must have seen the news." He said coldly,"Let's get you out of here before Gabriella returns back"."
I knew, there was something wrong. Adrian wasn't looking at me in the eye. His face was covered by a hood.
I touched his arm, and said," Why are you not looking at me?"
My hands were in my pocket fixed around the handle of my dagger. I wanted to hug him, and stab him from the back.

I stretched my hands and took off his hood.The moonlight fell on his face and I gasped."What happened to you?"

The Death Kiss (Nanowrimo)#wattys2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora