Chapter 18: Life and Death

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How does it feel when you just couldn't pop away a nightmare?

I felt the same way, when I looked at my black frock still hanging from the hook at the back of my door. It was the same frock I had worn to Marie's Funeral. I couldn't believe that she had actually died. How could I even look at Adrian after what he had done? It was impossible for me to understand the reason of forgiving him so fast. This was unlike me. I tried to get out of my bed but I felt so weak. Tears started falling impulsively from my eyes. I buried my face in the pillow and cried my eyes out until Mom came upstairs to wake me up.

She sat at the edge of my bed and patted my shoulder softly. I was awake but I pretended to be asleep. She kissed my forehead and went downstairs. I opened my eyes, and rubbed away few nearly formed tears.

"Good morning beautiful."

The cold voice made me shiver in the darkness. Adrian pulled the curtains back from the window.

"Rise and shine!"

He behaved like nothing was wrong. I held the pillow against my chest and hugged it so tightly. I could feel my heart falling apart.

"Hey, what happened? Why aren't you going to school?"

He sat on the bed next to me and stroked my cheeks gently.

"You're asking what happened. YOU KILLED MY BESTFRIEND! This is what happened."

He shrugged his shoulders," She would have died in an year or so, even if I haven't killed her."

"I don't care. I just know that you have exchanged our souls; you have killed her to save me. I'm guilty of a murder, Adrian..."

He held my hands in his and planted a little kiss on my palm.

"Then don't be guilty. I can make you feel good, I really can."

I had no idea what he was talking about. But soon, I understood. The pain just vanished away. It felt like a ball of warming light has filled my heart and I felt so happy. But I knew, I wasn't supposed to feel this way. But he did something to me. He took away my agony, somehow.

"How could you..."

He shushed me," I am sorry for hurting you. But I had to save your life. Please understand."

I nodded," I know, you love me more than everything. And you had to do it, just for me."

My words were betraying my lips. I was speaking the words he wanted me to. Chase was right, Adrian was manipulating me but not by his kind words but his hypnotizing skills. I knew, he was capable of doing it. But I was feeling the power of it. I kept repeating in my mind that he had killed my best friend till it didn't even matter anymore.

Adrian opened my wardrobe and starting looking through my clothes.

I smiled, "What are you doing?"

"Just trying to find you something to wear."

He took few formal dresses out and placed them on my bed.

"Why are you taking my clothes out?"

"I'm taking you on a dinner date tonight." He smiled.

He picked up a simple red Chiffon red dress slightly lower than my knees.

"Adrian! I can't go. Marie just...."

"You have to go with me." He announced. "Please, Lily."

"I CAN'T GO." I almost shouted at him.

He replied coldly, "I'll pick you up at 8pm and don't worry about your parents. I'll just sneak you out from the window."

I couldn't believe what he was doing. The coldness in his voice made me feel choked.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I'm trying to cheer you up..."

"By forcing me to go out with you? Adrian, this isn't working." I got up from my bed.

He pulled my arm so hard that I almost felt my shoulder joint getting dislocated. I let out an agonizing cry.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.... Lily! I'm sorry." He rubbed my shoulder softly. The pain vanished away at once but even then, I could feel the tears filling into my eyes.

"GO AWAY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE." I shouted at the top of my voice.

"I can't... I can't leave you, Lily."

"Adrian, you're hurting me. You call this your love for me?"

I pointed towards my shoulder. And he sat on his knees at once.

"I want you to go out with me, Please. I had made the reservations for us. For the first time, I want to do something normal, like a regular boyfriend. Lily, I want to get out of my agony, just let me try..."

I tried to argue but his magneficient eyes made me speechless.

"I'll be ready."

He got up and hugged me.

"You'll love it, I promise."

I knew, even how hard he tried, I wouldn't love anything as he almost forced me into it. I was in a sort of relation where it was even hard to breathe. I missed Chase so much. I recalled all those times when we used to hang out together. But now, I was in a slow torture. I loved Adrian, but it was becoming harder day by day to stay in love with him.

Adrian jumped out of my window and went away.

I went downstairs and had my breakfast. Mom and David pacified me while I forced the cereal down my throat. I felt so bad, that it was impossible to express the intensity of it. I just lost my best friend, and I was afraid for Chase too. Aaron giggled happily at the corner of the kitchen, jumping up and down in his baby chair. I envied him, he was free from all the sadness and miseries of life.

"Mom, I'll go out in the evening."

I waited for their excited reaction, but mom managed to smile.

"Sure, David was saying the same too. You shouldn't stay inside. Go out! I'll ask Chase to take you out."

"No, don't..."

"I can't let you go out alone. Chase is your only friend. You'll feel good being around him."

"I know, I would feel good. But I want to hang out alone for a while." I lied.

Mom nodded," As you wish, honey. I just want you to feel good."

David spoke," We all know, it is so hard for you to bear all these losses. But you have to stay strong. Everything will be okay."

"Will it?" I questioned him though I knew the answer. Nothing was okay, nor it would be.

"Yes, it will be okay." He assured me.

I gave them a weak smile, and they reciprocated back with big ones. I went upstairs, and went back to bed.

I stared at the red frock and thought of the last prom with Chase. The thought of him cheered my mind a little but then, Adrian's voice turned my happiness into gloom. The thoughts of Adrian made me shiver. If Chase was life, then Adrian was death.

And I was a normal human, being torn between life and death.

The Death Kiss (Nanowrimo)#wattys2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang