Chapter 12: The Mighty Jonas

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During the winter of 1664, a bright comet was to be seen in the sky. At that time, Comets were dreaded to be bad omens. Some took them as the fallen angels while others believed that skies were the home to gods, and disturbance there meant danger on earth.

It was a cold but a beautiful starry night when 17 years old Jonas Wagon saw something falling from the sky. He had never seen anything like that before. It was like a fire ball rushing across the sky with its long tail lingering behind. He kept staring at the horizon trying to comprehend what he just saw. But when he couldn't, he got up from the wet grass, and ran back home to tell others about it.

Jonas Wagon lived in a small house on the outskirts of the timberline city with his two sisters and a widowed mother. They had a little farm, where all of them worked. Jonas used to take the milk and vegetables to the city to sell every morning. His sisters used to stitch clothes to make a living. Even in this extreme poverty, they were very happy. Every evening, they used to sit in a circle and listen to Jonas playing Flute. He was so good with music that they used to forget all their tiredness in a minute.

When Jonas reached home, he saw his mother talking to his sisters about something. But as soon as he entered the house, they stopped talking at once and greeted him warmly. His mother handed him the little bowl of soup that she had made earlier. Jonas knew something was going on but he told them about the thing he saw in the sky. His mother told him that it was a comet which meant bad luck. But Jonas knew that they were already living in a bad condition, and nothing could make it worse. But he was wrong. There was a horrible thing yet to come in their lives. His elder sister, Angelina told her friends about Jonas' beautiful voice. The word got out, and soon he got a job on weekends in the city market. He used to play flute and entertain the people who visited his master's shop. Soon, the master felt that his income was tripled after Jonas had joined him. He paid Jonas double and asked him to play on the week days as well.

Jonas came to know that his mother wanted Angelina to get married soon. For which, they needed some money. Jonas left that job, and went in search of a bigger job. A man in the same market offered him the job at triple money than the previous one. The word was already out, and people knew Jonas had magic in that flute. He had the ability to charm people with his music.

Soon Angelina got married. And their living standard also improved. One day, as he was playing his flute when he heard a carriage stopping outside the shop. He peeked outside the window to see who stepped out. And his first glance costed him the loss of his heart for eternity.

The honey eyes of the young girl made his heart melt. He saw her entering the shop with her grandmother. He played the flute as good as he could. She looked at him through the ringlets of her long brown hair. He saw her grandmother choosing clothes for her, but after hearing the prices. She left all of them and started seeing some other.

The old lady whispered," Gabriella, See around if you liked something, do tell me."

She nodded, and moved her eyes around. But they stopped at Jonas again and again. He pointed at the green flowered dress nearest to him. She held the dress up against her in the mirror. Jonas was enchanted by her beauty and she was charmed by his music.

Gabriella spoke in her soft voice," Grand ma, Can I have this one?"

Jonas stopped playing the flute to listen to them. Her Grandmother counted the money she had in her little bag and shook her head.

"Choose something else. Let's go to some other shop."

Jonas whispered to his master.

"Please cut the money from my salary, and give them a discount."

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