Betrayed | Part 2

Start from the beginning

Coming across some trash cans, you decided that now was the best time and place to stop. "Come on guys-", you had to drag Emma along with you because she wasn't prepared to run away from her co-workers that day. You heaved as you took a spot next to Paul. "Oh my god, what the fuck was that?!" Emma yelled at him. "I told you it was scarier than it sounds!", "I didn't think about the implications...," She let out a breath that she did know she was holding, "Oh my god, I didn't think about it!" She screeched, she placed her hands on her chest in order to try to calm her heart which was pounding rapidly. "I-it's alright-" Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud banging which caused you three to scream as you fell back, right into Paul's' arms. "No it's not alright Paul!",  "Bill! You scared the shit out of us-", "Well how the hell am I supposed to pop out of the trash can and not scare the shit out of you?" He immediately retorted. You felt Paul shrug before he said calmly as he realized that Bill wasn't a threat, "I don't know..., give us a warning or something next time-", There was loud banging behind the trash cans before a woman jumped out just as Bill did before. You gripped Paul as you three screamed again, "Charlotte!" Paul yelled as he shook his head. This Charlotte shrugged her shoulders and said apologetically, "Sorry, I tried to warn you....", if this was in any other situation, you would've laughed. "Just how many people are hiding behind these fucking trashcans?!" You shouted and looked up at Paul. He shrugged again as Emma said, "Yeah what the fuck?! Who are these people?" Paul sighed as he explained, "they're my friends from work." You were a tad disappointed that he slowly let go of his grip on you. You shifted next to him again as Emma asked, "what are they doing in the trash?", "Probably what we were gonna do..." You trailed off as she gave you a soft glare because of the obvious answer. "Yeah, we had to hide... Mr. Davidson kept calling people into his office and they kept coming out singing!" Bill exclaimed. Charlotte went further as she explained, "It was the same at the bank, the butchers, and the post office...", "it's all downtown." You concluded. Paul nodded his head at you then looked up at Bill, "We were just at Beanies-", "You didn't invite me!" Someone shouted as they popped up. This time it was Paul's turn to fall into your arms, "Jesus, Ted!-", "Sh sh sh sh-, shut the fuck up Paul. Okay? If you want to stay in OUR hiding spot, you gotta be quiet! Alright so Paul, get in a trash can. You," He pointed at Emma, "Beat it!" he spat.

Emma gave him a confused look and flipped him off as she said, "uh... fuck you?" You let go of Paul and crossed your arms, "What about me huh?" He turned to you and looked you up and down. To you it seemed like he was undressing you with his eyes, "You can stay." He smirked. You gagged before you shook your head, "That's so unfair." You didn't see Paul glaring at him as he said, "No, Emma's staying with us." Emma looked at Paul and gave him a 'thank-you' nod. He returned it with a smile before Ted threw his hands up in the air then gestured at Emma, "I don't know her!" You scoffed and spat, "You don't know me either!" In order to get this situation under control before Ted makes it worse, Paul said "Uh yeah you do-", "Oh really?", "She's the barista... from beanies-", "and what about her?" Ted pointed at you, "Well uh..." Paul decided to use the analogy Ted said before this shit went down, "She's the uh..." He gave out a weird grimace as he used his hands the same way that Ted did, "...latte hottay..." He dragged on. "Damn, so I was right-" He was cut off by sirens and bright lights. Charlotte's face lit up as three figures appeared. "What the hell?", you heard someone say but you weren't sure who because you were too focused on Charlotte getting close to the three figures, "Oh thank god, they're here! I-I called Sam, he'll get us out of this!- Sam, sweetheart? Sam baby? Oh Sam, thank god you're here. They've gone crazy! Everyone's gone crazy..." He silenced her by shoving his hand in front of her face. Her mouth dropped and so did her heart as he looked back to another female officer with a smirk-grin. At his last line of the song, Ted interrupted him harshly with a smack on the back of his head with a trash can leaving all of you in shock. "Oh my god, oh my god! His head is open!" Ted scoffed at how she worried about him more than their lives, "Well I had to do something!" She ignored him as she picked up something blue with a hint of disgust, "Oh my god, his brain fell out!" You hid behind Paul so that you didn't have to see all the blood around him and the brain that she was holding=. Paul held your hand behind his back and gave you a squeeze. "Well put it back then!" Ted yelled at her, also not really wanting to see it. "I don't know how, I'm not a doctor!" Suddenly, something clicked in his mind, "Charlotte, look at that! That's not his brain, it's blue!", "Well how do you know? You're not a doctor either!" You took a peek from behind Paul and gagged as you said, "nope that's definitely his brain...", She turned around to stare at you, "Well are you a doctor?" She asked with a hint of sassiness. "Well, I'm currently in biology so..."

"Biology! Yes! I know where to go-", she paused from being caught off guard everyone to stare at her. "(Y/n), remember the kooky, reclusive biology professor?", "Professor Hidgens?", "yeah! He has a... doctorate! That's kind of like a doctor, right?" You were unsure but you went along with it for Charlotte's sake, "Great! But, how are we gonna get there?" Bill questioned. "I know where he lives, I'm positive he'll take us in." Ted gave you a smug look, "Whatever you're thinking, stop." You say with a deadpan look. He threw his hands up in defense. "How do you know?" Paul asked while looking at you. "I have to get tutored by him from missing so many lessons.", "Wait, have you not got kicked out yet?", "Well, he understands why I have to skip so many.", "Why? If you don't mind me asking..." Bill asked. You hummed with a frown on your face. If it was any other situation, you would've told them. Because of that reaction, they backed off of that subject, "Uh anyways... we should head out." Paul concluded, "Yeah, let's go." Emma agreed, helping Charlotte get off her feet. 

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