"Hold on, sweetheart. I may look like I can type fast, but not that fast. Recite the names again for me, would you?" the secretary, whose name tag read Louisa, said with a chuckle as Rachel recited our names again, slower this time.

        Rachel did so and then added, "We're here for our appointments with... Dr. Mays?"

        "That's right. You all have ultrasounds with Dr. Mays. Just sit down in the waiting room for a minute. She's finishing up some paperwork and then will be right with you." Louisa said, clicking her mouse as she talked to us.

        Rachel nodded, and we all sat down in the waiting room, waiting for Dr. Mays. Finally, Louisa called Rachel's name and said, "Rachel, we have you scheduled in first. Dr. Mays will be coming to collect you in just a moment."

        Sure enough, two minutes later, a tall doctor with wavy strawberry blonde hair stepped into the waiting room and called, "Rachel Berry?"

        Rachel stood up and timidly waved her hand. "That's me."


Rachel's POV:

        I stepped into the exam room with Dr. Mays, and she motioned for me to sit down on the table.

        "Just give me a moment, Rachel. I'm going to pull up a file for you, and then we can start." Dr. Mays said as she sat down at her computer.

        "Okay," I said, clenching and unclenching my fists as I waited for her.

        "Okay. That's done." Dr. Mays turned around in her chair to look directly at me. "Before we start, Rachel, I'm going to talk to you about what's going to happen today so you're prepared."

        "Sounds good."

        "Also, hi. I'm Dr. Mays, as you know." she smiled, which lit up her face. "I've been a doctor for close to 20 years now, and I've seen all sorts of situations, so nothing that happens will shock me. If you ever have any questions, just ask me. I also believe, in this line of work, that I ensure doctor-patient confidentiality, so I won't contact your parents about the pregnancy unless anything occurs that is life-threatening."

        I smiled with relief. "Thank you. I'm planning on telling my dads eventually... I'm just not sure how to inform them of this. I need some time to process it myself because I'm only 16, and it wasn't a planned pregnancy, and my boyfriend doesn't even know..."

        "No worries, Rachel. There's no judgement from me, and there will never be. Whatever is said in this room, stays in this room." Dr. Mays said.

        I took a breath. So far, I was comfortable around Dr. Mays. She seemed nice.

        "So, Rachel, here's what's happening today. We're doing a transabdominal ultrasound, which is basically just over your belly. If it were earlier in your pregnancy, we'd probably have to use another method. Based on when your last period was and when you took the pregnancy test, I'd say you are definitely past one month of pregnancy." Dr. Mays paused. "Any questions so far?"

        "Just one. Will you be able to tell me my due date today or will it have to wait?" I asked.

        "I can give you a pretty accurate due date based on how many weeks you are along, so yes." Dr. Mays answered.

        "Okay, great."

        "With the ultrasound, Rachel, I'll have you lay down on the table, and I'll apply a clear gel to your stomach. Then I have a transducer, which looks like a microphone to some people." I cracked a smile at this, despite my nerves. "The transducer slides over the gel, and it transmits sound waves that creates an image of the baby."

        "Wow," I said, surprised. "That's..."

        "A lot?" Dr. Mays said, laughing. "Sorry. It's pretty technical, but a lot of people like to know what's happening right now, and I figured you should probably know this too."

        "I'm one of those people," I admitted. "Thank you."

        "Okay, now for the actual ultrasound. Let's get you changed, Rachel..."


        Dr. Mays slid the transducer around on the gel on my belly and I shivered. I still hadn't gotten over the original shock of the cold feeling the gel gave me.

        "Rachel, do you see the picture on the screen?" Dr. Mays asked, pointing to the monitor next to her. I watched as a blurry, moving image materialized on the screen.

        "Oh! Yes, I do," I said, my voice catching.

        "It looks like you're about eight weeks pregnant right now, which is two months. You probably won't start to show right away, as it's early in your pregnancy. However, every woman's body is different."

        I nodded. "Makes sense."

        "Rachel, while I have you in here... How do you feel about being pregnant?" Dr. Mays asked gently.

        "Well, I'm quite nervous. If you didn't assume already, this is my first pregnancy, and it's nerve-wracking. But I would never want to give my child up. My mother gave me up. I'm not about to do the same thing to my baby." I said honestly.

        "Uh-huh. Of course. Usually, everyone is nervous during their first pregnancy, but given your age, I would be nervous as well." Dr. Mays said. "Now, Rachel, would you like to know how many babies are in the womb?"

        "Yes, please!" I said, excited.

        "Okay, Rachel. You have..."


Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger! I hope you've been enjoying my story so far. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve it! Also, hi if you are a new reader! If you are new to this story, come chat with me on my message board! Or even if you aren't new and were here when I was writing this story :) I love engaging with all my readers when I have the chance to :) Have a nice day!

If no one told you they appreciated you today, remember I do.


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