39 7 10

Date: 8/5/2020

       Describe your personality

» so what can I say firstly. I am an little bit of introvert person. I love to stay indoor with a book.

»I love to read. Oh allah I can spend hours in reading. I just love it.

» I have lot of friends but there are very less friends who knows me personally and let me tell you those close friends are my bestest buddies and I am talkative to those and close relatives only.

»I don't get easily attach to people but when I do I really get attach to them emotionally as well which are rare.

»yes I can be very emotional at times. Even an sad story can make me cry.

»I love midnight snacks . Who doesn't but my mother always catches me lol.

»I can be very childish at time. But only with my close ones. Yeah my mother always says grow up

»I love spending time with my friends like I said I only have little who are bestest and I love them.

» I can get nervous by little things and would freakout for no reason.

»I am very spontaneous person. I can get angry at any time. I don't get into physical fight but when I am angry I say things which may hurt a lot.  Yep it's something which is not good and I try to be calm as possible but sometimes you just lose it

» you can say I am feisty as well

» I love to help others. I also love to do social servicing.

»I am a self conscious person

» I am an DEEP THINKER . Yes I always think and figure out every thing but sometime I just think and make things more complicated for me.

» some times I hold back from some people and also won't give my opinion.

»I have gotten hurt a lot of times but still I talk with them but if you crossed the the Broder then you don't exist for me.

»I am not an judgemental person and I hate being judged

»I love sleeping a lot and yes I am not an morning person and hate to wakeup early lol

»I always think what others think about me and it effects me

»I don't like much attention

»I can laugh at wrong time. You know when you are in serious talking with your parents or buddies I just can't hold it.

»I can be funny and keep up with sarcastic remarks

»I love music and listening to it. No I'm not an singer but still I sing with all my heart :-P

» I am always an curious one

» if I have made an mind then that's it

Yep it's done.

It was long :-D

Hope you liked it

Do let me know if you have anything in common


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