47. The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

She stepped forward, using the bed to steady her as she started toward the crutches leaning beside the door. Slipping the crutches beneath her arms, she slowly twisted the door's handle and cringed as it creaked open. The hallway was nearly empty when she poked her head out, only a few nurses could be seen dipping in and out of rooms. Everly carefully pushed the door open with her foot and started down the hall. If she was here, then surely Steve was too. Unless of course he was dead. Her heart sunk at the thought, and she tried to bury it, but it continued to claw its way to the surface.

It took a while to get the hang of maneuvering on the crutches, but she had finally made it around the corner to see guards standing outside of a room whose windows were blocked out with blinds. A few more armed guards patrolled the hallway. She quickened her pace, as did her heart as she grew closer. The man at the door did a double take and turned to look at her, but remained silent. She stopped before him and let out a shaky breath, her gaze flicking to the door.

"Can I see him?" She asked quietly, a bit startled by how hoarse her voice had sounded. The guard hesitated and looked her over once more before giving a slight nod and opening the door. She stepped inside and flinched when it quickly shut behind her. Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight before her. Steve was laying in the hospital bed, his face bruised with cuts sprinkling his cheeks. Sam sat beside him, and a phone rested on the beside table as music drifted through the air. "Is he okay?"

Sam's attention snapped from the book in his lap to the woman standing in the doorway. "He's hanging in there." He grinned as his eyes raked over her. "What about you?" 

Everly shifted awkwardly beneath his gaze and moved to stand at Steve's bedside. "How long has he been out?" She asked as she scooted another chair over and plopped down, gently setting the crutches on the floor beside her. The grin slipped from Sam's face and he peered down at his hands, closing his book and letting out a deep breath.

"Same as you. Three days." He responded as he met her sad eyes. She nodded in return, glancing back at their friend. The slow rise and fall of his chest was her only assurance that he was still alive. Sam cleared his throat awkwardly and stood from his seat. "I'm gonna- uh- go... somewhere else." He stuttered, his gaze flickering between the two as he started toward the door and slipped from the room. She huffed, turning back to face Steve. Her eyes darted around his bruised face, wanting nothing more than to see those bright blue eyes flutter open. She hesitantly took his hand in both of hers, clinging onto him like a lifeline.

"Please wake up." She whispered as her eyes began to well with tears and she pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. He didn't even stir.

The next few days were relatively uneventful as they waited for Steve to wake. Sam sat in a chair pulled up beside the bed and Everly sat crossed legged in a seat in the corner as she struggled to finish a word search. She groaned, leaning further back into the chair.

"I can't find gargoyle." She grumbled as a frown took hold of her features. She tapped the pencil eraser against the cast on her leg and bit the inside of her lip as her eyes searched the page. It was the only word that she had yet to find, and it was driving her insane. Finally, she sat the pencil atop the table and tipped her head back, allowing her eyes to close. "I quit." Sam chuckled from where he sat across the room. Music from his phone softly drifted through the air and was beginning to lull her to sleep.

"On your left." Her heart skipped a beat and her eyes grew wide as her attention snapped to Steve. Sam raised his eyebrows and smirked over at him. Everly couldn't believe that his eyes were open. He was awake. 

Steve rolled his head over to look at her, blinking the tiredness from his vision. Her mouth fell open and her crutches clattered to the floor as she stood from her chair. She limped forward on her own, wincing in the slightest with each step she took until she'd finally reached his bedside. Her eyes darted between his and he managed the smallest of smiles. 

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