Chapter 3: Rainbows and Dinosaurs

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Anurag had stepped out of his house in the late afternoon, there was a park nearby his house and often time he'd go for a stroll there to enjoy the cool breeze, it soothed him. Little did he know that day when he left for the walk that it was going to change his life; while enjoying his walk he was crossing by a couple of children sitting and chatting in one of the park benches, when he heard something that made him stop.

"Jiya, you missed the ice cream van silly, now it's gone across the road"

"Anjali you should have stopped him nah? How will I buy my ice cream now?"

"How will I stop the van? You should have come on time, nah Jiya!"

"On time, why should I come on time, I'm not a machine! Only machines run on time not us, silly!"

Anurag quickly turned around to see a little girl clad in a white dress, wavy shoulder length hair all messy, her nose scrunched, standing with folded arms and staring at her friend with a cute pout. He smiled seeing her, it felt warm, he felt happy – she reminded him of a simpler time in life, a happier time, she reminded him of Prerna, back in the days when she was in love with him, when they were together. Prerna used to say the same thing. It felt strange to feel happy, Anurag thought, but the sight of the little girl who had no idea of Anurag's gaze, simply wouldn't let him feel anything else but warm and happy – what was this, thought Anurag amazed.

"Uncle, will you help me cross the road? I need to buy an ice cream. It is very important" her voice broke through Anurag's trance as he looked down to see the same girl pulling him by the elbow.

"Will you, tell me fast! The van will go otherwise!!" she rattled on holding his hand.

"Yes, of course. Come I will take you" he replied with a smile and motioned for her to hold his hand. The moment she held his hand, for a moment Anurag felt like he was never ever going to let go of that tiny little hand, it was a strange feeling and Anurag couldn't place it – was it possible to randomly connect with a total stranger this easily?

By the time she got her ice cream and was back at the park, her friend Anjali was gone, she looked sad and it disturbed Anurag more than it usually would, so he decided to stick with her while she ate. She had big beautiful eyes, she was a bit skinny but she had an innocent smile. She rattled on about her friends, how good the ice cream was, how the weather was, that she preferred dogs over cats, but she loved dinosaurs the best, she was good in maths but she liked 'pakodas' better etc. Anurag couldn't help laughing as he realised the uncanny resemblance his new little friend had with Prerna. She was bossy yet innocent, a constant chatterbox and had the ability to steal his heart with ease.

"What about you? What do you like better, balloons or rainbows?" she quipped breaking his reverie.

"Balloons or Rainbows, what kind of a comparison is that now?" asked Anurag amused.

"Uff first say!!"

"Okay, rainbows" gave in Anurag with a laugh.

"Same pinch! I like rainbows better too, that Anjali, she likes balloons!!"

"Acha Ms. Rainbow, don't you have to go home, it's getting late now, and won't your mother look for you?"

"My 'maasi' would, but I stay close by so don't worry. See you, new-friend!" she said cheerfully and was about to leave, but instinctively Anurag held onto her elbow, he didn't know why, but he wasn't willing to let this angel go so easily.

"Not so fast new friend, I don't even know your name!" he asked animatedly

"Oh, I forgot, I am Jiya. I stay in that house, can you see it, at the end of this lane?" she replied cheerfully. Anurag followed her finger but couldn't see the place, he realised it was getting dark and thought of not letting her go alone – although he knew this little feisty minion was fully capable taking care of herself, but he felt oddly protective of his new friend.

"Hi Jiya, I am Anurag. Let me take you home it is getting dark"

"Arre am I a baby? I am eight years old. I can go alone, only I am not allowed to cross main roads, but 'maasi' said when I turn ten she will teach me! Just two more years!" she kept on chatting as Anurag gently held her finger and walked her towards her home. She was eight years old, she was his Sneha's age thought Anurag as he smiled and listened to all her ramblings till the way home.

That night he felt different, he felt better, maybe there were some hope left to cling on to, something to live for. In one evening with his little Jiya, he felt like he had gone back in time and lived a happy memorable evening. He wanted to be close to that child, her happiness and warmth was infectious, she could make him feel alive – Anurag knew it in his heart that night, this rendezvous with his little friend wasn't going to be a onetime thing, he needed a little bit of brightness in his life, and today he had found his shining star.

"Goodnight, little Jiya, I will see you again!" that was the last thing he said before dozing off to sleep that night.

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