How do you know?

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After a few years .... (13 years old)

Albert didn't come to our home for a long time but Charles is still keep in touch with Albert by cell phone.

One day...


I was shocked because of that scream. I already know who screaming and that is my twin brother, Charles.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N!) (Y/N)" my twin said that while jumping around.

"What is it?"

"You know what?"


"Albert will come here and he will stay here for a few days because his parents will be going to another country for to do their work. Albert don't want to be in his house alone because he would be bored, so he are coming here! Isn't it a good news?! "

I'm speechless just for a moment.

"Yes, that's good news" i smiled and nodded to Charles.

Charles ran into the kitchen where Mama and Papa were having some  tea in the evening to tell them the good news about Albert.

Speaking of the news, even though it happened a few years ago, I still couldn't forget how I was treated. I think it's gonna happen again.

A few days later...

I went down to the kitchen to have breakfast with the family.

"Good morning, sweety" "Good morning, honey"  Mom and Dad said after seeing me arrive in the kitchen.

I took a piece of bread with my favorite jam.

"(Y/N), go wake up your brother. It's too late to eat breakfast." my mom said after I finished eating bread.

"okay mom"

So I went to Charles's room and i saw Charles is still sleeping and covered with blanket.

"ish...ish...ish... Wake up sleepy head. Son of President of America can't wake up late." while  I'm moving my twin body. I realized that there was no movements by Charles.

"Charles... Charles"

Still no movements. I started to panic and I touched the pulse at his hand and at his neck..... fuh thank God it's still working. When I touched his neck and my hands just now, I felt hot. So I touched Charles's forehead with the back of my palm and it was so hot!

I calling Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad come to Charles's room as soon as possible.

"l think Charles got a fever"

"Charles...Charles dear." She tried to wake up his son. Then,Charles opened his eyes slowly.

"oh, mom, dad, (Y/N).. what you're doing in my room" said Charles in a sleepy voice.

"You got a fever, Charles. So you need to rest okay?" my mother advised Charles.

My mother tell our subordinates to prepare chicken porridge for Charles's and also some medicine.

I accompany Charles to eat the porridge and I made Charles to take the medicine because he really hard when he has to take medicine.

After Charles finished his medicine and porridge...

"Charles, when will Albert come?" I asked and I drink some water after asked that question. 

"Oh, he'll be here tomorrow evening."


I sprayed all water that in my mouth at Charles because i was so shocked.

"Ah sorry" I said as I wiped the water I had sprayed on Charles's face.

"Why are you surprised?"

"If Albert comes tomorrow evening, who will play with him if you are sick?"

Charles pointed his finger at me.

"M-ME ?! W-WHATT ?! NONSENSE!" my voice began to stutter.

"Why not?"

"Wou know I'm not close to him."

"Then, tomorrow is the right time to know him" said Charles raising his two eyebrows.
"Consider this a gift of apology for that day," Charles continued.


"I saw your hands....when Albert was here a few years ago. You thought Albert gonna shake hands with you but he didn't and he not playing with you, talk to you and you sad, right?"

I was too surprised and no word came out of my mouth.

"How do you know?"

He smiled and pat my head and said "Come on, we're twins. Of course i know."

"So you're saying we have a strong bond ha?"

"kind of. hahaha".

"hahaha. Thank you. You're the best." i said.

"Your welcome"

"Ah its getting late. You need to rest. Go get some sleep. Good night." i walked out of his room

"(Y / N)!"

I turned to my twin.

"Sorry about that day"

"It's fine"  I smiled and left to get some sleep.

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