Chapter 17

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Everyone was excused from work today after Maggie's, or Harmony's body was discovered. Emma was shocked by the news. She even seemed shaken by it as well. I don't know if it's because she knew her or knows that she could've been a target because she knew Maggie. Either way, we were both shaken in our own way. I was heartbroken and depressed about losing a friend I was getting close to. I couldn't even pay attention to what my body was doing throughout the day.

Connor told me he didn't know he would do it either because Ian never even tried to talk to Maggie. He didn't even attempt to get close to her like he usually does. He only followed her that night and sprung his attack on her so suddenly. I've been thinking of why he could've done that. Why the sudden change? What happened? Will it happen in the same way?

It wasn't until later when the news was playing on the TV that I thought of a reason. He wanted to throw off the police. He even used a different method and different type of location. Instead of torturing them as usual, he made her death quick. The thought that she at least didn't suffer for long was somewhat comforting. It didn't ease the pain any less, however.

Eventually, Emma decided it was a good idea to go out to get the thought out of her head. She dolls herself up to go party tonight. Typically, I would be worried and paranoid about what may happen later, but I can't bring myself to worry about that tonight. I would much rather stay in bed to grieve, but the curse wouldn't let me.

Emma, as usual, drops Ava off and drives to the club where she meets with her friends. I solemnly walk towards the entrance, prepared to suddenly disappear and be forced to be energetic and party. The idea of being drunk and dancing makes me feel sick already. I feel horrible for going out when I should be home. I should be grieving and I can't even do that. I suddenly teleport inside with a huge grin and a drink in hand. I'm forced to chat with my "friends".

I want to cry but I'm laughing. I want to be home but I'm out drinking. How much longer? How long can this go on? "Hey." I'm forced to turn towards the voice that I hardly even heard. The music blasts throughout the room as voices chatter below the music's volume. When I turn to the voice. My heart drops. I feel my blood run cold. This time. I can be sure. I can know for sure now. I'm next.

I face the voice to see Connor's face. This time, he's talking to me. We're making actual eye contact now and sharing words. It's just like when I saw him on the streets as we passed by. I had thought we made eye contact, but now I wonder if it had just been in my head. I thought I had imagined it. "Hi," I'm forced to respond. He sits down next to me and I see my "friends" all grinning at me, raising their thumbs in approval. Emma smiles, forcing the very much disliked expression at this moment onto my face. "I don't think I've seen you around here before."

He chuckles and smiles. At that moment, I knew exactly how he got the girls. He's handsome and charming. He was able to sweep them off their feet and Emma was falling into his trap. "Yeah, I guess you would say I'm new here." I raise a brow and smirk. "As in new in town or just this club?" He shrugs, ordering drinks for us. "Does it matter?" Emma shrugs with a tilted nod. "Suppose not." When the drinks arrive, he slides one to me. Emma looks at him, practically batting her eyelashes at him. "Well, I can show you around either way. I've been here for a while."

"Oh really? I guess I could have someone show me the ropes around here." Emma holds out her arms to present herself and he laughs again. "You are quite something, aren't you?" She gleams at his compliment as she straightens herself up. "So I'm told," she replies confidently. She chugs her drink before taking his hand, leading him to the dance floor. "Let's start here then!" I'm forced to start dancing and jumping. Emma's yelling and laughing in excitement. "I never got your name!" I stare at who Emma knows only as a stranger expectantly. "Ian!"

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