~Chapter Eleven~ Stolen Information

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The next morning followed the usual routine of breakfast followed by hours spent in the dim light of the library organising books. His aunt's collection of books on various legends across the globe held his attention more than any others in the library. He used his chores as an excuse to pry any secrets from their pages.

He jumped as the library door swung open. The book in his hand was hastily shoved back on the shelf as his cheeks flushed. Around his feet, several books of interest lay in a semicircle. He floundered for an excuse.

"You look like you're up to no good," Albus smiled and closed the door behind himself. Gellert was sure he heard the word Taciturnitas whispered before his friend turned back to him. "It worked!"

"It worked on two heavy-set quidditch beaters when I last used it, so I don't see it being a problem on a sapling like your brother." Gellert stepped out of his collection of potential leads.

"You don't know how stubborn he is."

Gellert swallowed back the admission that the two beaters in question hadn't willingly ingested the potion either.

Albus picked up one of the books and examined it with lukewarm interest. "I have Lagunas keeping an eye on things, just in case. How far have you got?"

"I've got a likely owner of the cloak, it went from the Peverells to the Potters through marriage..."

"Is their line is still true?"

"It appears to be. The information is a little dated of course, but I suspect they have had at least one child by now."

"The Potters used to live here in Godric's Hollow, the Masons live their now, but I'm sure we could trace them down it was only a couple of years ago." Albus scratched some new notes in a notebook that had seen better days, half the pages appeared to be falling out. "Of course we cannot guarantee that the tradition has been followed all these years since Antioch, Ignotus and Cadmus."

"I agree. My grandfather left barely anything to my uncle, his eldest son or his two youngest daughters. My father inherited most of his estate because he was the more prominent son. Bathilda got a collection of books and historical artefacts."

"Not forgetting the chance that the family has forgotten what the cloak is and sold it on. Another Quester may have gotten very lucky, or it passed to someone with no idea about the legend they now possess." Albus started to place the books back on the shelf.

"I think we should keep it within the family until we are sure that they have been lost, save our brainpower for the real quest." Gellert took the book from his hand and placed it in the correct place on the shelf.

"The Elder Wand?"

"The Elder Wand," Gellert nodded.

"I agree it will be harder to find as it doesn't go from father to son. But the volume of blood spilt for its ownership has left enough of a trail that we should be able to follow it. At the very least we should be able to narrow down our search area."

"The trouble comes in the passages of time where it disappears from view entirely, nobody seems to know who killed the last known owner and whoever it is doesn't seem keen to brag about it."

"Perhaps they are the ones that truly mastered it, to hold such a wand, with all its power, but not draw attention to themselves."

Gellert sighed. "Sounds like an impossible task."

"And yet some canny people or organisations have managed it for decades at a time."

Gellert's eyes illuminated, "That could be how they did it, an organization. The wand does not belong to one person but is shared amongst the group, keeping it safe. Everyone in the group gets to use it to their benefit, but it must be shared, and not used on each other." Gellert said excitedly.

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