Order 66

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"Meet me in my quarters in one hour." Y/N whispered to Jesse as they passed each other in the hallway. He barely nods his head to her but Y/N can feel his excitement in the force. After nearly two years of dating, Jesse still got excited at the idea of spending time together. But Y/N didn't complain. It made her feel special.

An hour later, Y/N was sitting on her bed when the door opened and Jesse walked in. Seeing her beloved walk in had Y/N on her feet.

"Now, what was it that you wanted Cyar'ika?" Jesse asked as he pulled her into a quick kiss.

"Jesse." Y/N said while tracing his tattoo with her fingers, "I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant? You? Really?" Jesse asked, his eyes wet with tears.

"Yeah. We're going to be parents." Y/N smiled. 

"What about the Jedi? What are we going to do?" Jesse asked, concerned.

"I decided that I'm going to leave the Order. And with Dooku dead, it's only a matter of time before the war ends. Then we can finally start our family."

"With the war over, I can leave the army." Jesse realized.

"Exactly. And it will be just the three of us." Y/N giggled, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the bathroom. Our child is currently putting pressure on my blatter." Jesse smiled and released his hold on her waist, letting Y/N go to her bathroom. As he waited for her, his com went off.

"Jesse here." Jesse said, answering his com.

"Jesse, Jedi Knight Y/N L/N and Ahsoka Tano have been marked for termination by Order 66. Under this directive, any and all Jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the Republic. Any soldier that does not comply with the order will also be executed for treason. Understood?" Rex said.

"Yes Sir." Jesse said before the com went out. He reached for his pistols as Y/N came out of the bathroom.

"Darling, what do you think about names? I was thinking-" Y/N didn't get to finish her sentence when Jesse opened fire on her. Using the force, Y/N grabbed her lightsaber and started to deflect Jesse's blaster bolts, "Jesse, what has gotten into you?"

"Must... execute... Order.... 66." Jesse panted as his blaster pistols shook.

"Order 66? What's Order 66?" Y/N asked.

"Must... kill... all... Jedi." Jesse said, Y/N's eyes widening as he spoke. Then he opened fire once again. Deflecting his new wave of blaster fire, Y/N opened up her door and ran out, deflecting Jesse's fire as he gave chase. Finally Y/N was able to lose Jesse, only to run into Ahsoka.

"Ahsoka, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. How are you?"

"Could be better. How are we going to stop this?"

"Rex told me to go find Fives." Ahsoka said.

"Five? But he died over a year ago." Y/N shook her head.

"Well we have to try. In the meantime, I'm off to free Maul."

"Maul? You want him after us too?" Y/N asked in disbelief.

"No. I want him to cause a distraction."

"I see. Well I'm coming with you. There's safety in numbers."


"Shhhh. R7, we need your help." Ahsoka started speaking to the droid while Y/N kept watch by the door. Upon hearing her request for help, other droids began to come to life, "We don't know. We don't know why the clones are doing this. But we might be able to do something about it."

Order 66, Jesse x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now