Order 66 Part II

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Y/N watched the door as the clones on the other side worked to open the door, her lightsaber in her hand ready to ignite. Behind her, Jesse stood with his pistols cocked, fingers on the triggers.

"You should get behind me." Jesse whispered to Y/N.

"Jesse, love, I'm pregnant, not useless." Y/N whispered back.

"Ahsoka, how are we going to get out of here?" Rex asked.

"I have an idea."

"I'm glad you do." Y/N said, "Cause I have no idea how we're getting off this ship."

"Jesse, Rex, set your blasters to stun. We're not trying to kill anyone."

"Yeah, well, tell that to them." Rex said as he adjusted his blasters.

"They're almost through." Jesse said as he stood next to Y/N.

"Brace yourselves everyone." Y/N said.

"Wait." Ahsoka said, her lightsabers in her hand, "Wait."

"Now." Y/N said as she and Ahsoka used the force to push back the door onto several of the clones. Jesse and Rex immediately started hitting the clones with stun blasts as Y/N and Ahsoka started deflecting blaster fire while also using the force to knock out any unsuspecting clones.

"R7, find us a path out of here." Ahsoka said to the droid, who beeped in response and set to work closing two of the hallway doors.

"All right. Now what?" Rex asked as he stood over the knocked out bodies of the clones.

"Well, you and Jesse order the destruction of the escape pods...." Y/N started to say.

"So taking a shuttle is our best bet." Ahsoka finished.

"The boys are having a rough time of it." Rex said, "Did you hear Maul also escaped."

"He didn't escape. We let him out." Ahsoka said.

"What? Why?" Rex asked.

"Diversion." Ahsoka said as she started to walk away, "Now come on!"


"Target numbers one and two have escaped the medical bay." Said a clone trooper over the radio, "We're in pursuit."

"What's the status of CT-7567 and CT-5597?" Kix asked.

"Commander Rex and Lieutenant Jesse are still missing in action, sir."

"Did they aid in Tano and L/N's escape?"

"Unknown at present."


The alarms started blaring as the four were running towards the hanger.

"What the hell did Maul do?" Y/N asked as she avoided falling debris.

"He caused a distraction." Ahsoka answered.

"I don't like the sound of this." Rex said as they ran to the hanger's command center.

"Me neither." Jesse chimed in.

Opening the door to the command center, Y/N and Ahsoka used the force to distract the clones while Jesse and Rex fired stun blasts at them. After the crew was knocked out, Rex and Ahsoka went to check the controls while Jesse and Y/N kept watch by the door.

"Hangar bay doors are sealed. They got everything locked down." Rex said, "If they weren't trying to kill us all, I'd be proud."

"Well, they are trying to kill us." Jesse snarled from the door.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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