More Mix-Ups

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The walk to the front desk might as well have been ten miles long, covering densely forested terrain, with the amount of time it took for the FLAG agents to get there from the trashed room. Neither Bonnie nor Michael dared debate the cause of their discovery, though it weighed heavily on both of their minds.

When the receptionist spotted them, she grinned widely. Cheerfully, she greeted, "ah, Mr. And Mrs. Knight! We've been expecting you!" She barely gives them time to correct her assumptions when she continues, "we're awfully sorry about the trouble you've encountered with your previous room. We were made aware of the situation, not more than an hour ago. Anticipating your return, we've upgraded your accommodations for free. We're going to give you the best room we have to offer." Two keys are slid across the marble counter-top in their direction. "Enjoy your stay in the honeymoon suite."

Uncertainty floods both Flag Agent's eyes at the same time as their gazes awkwardly meet.

Why hadn't the motel informed them of the situation? Especially, if they were made aware of the break-in without the addition of their complaints? It was strange, to say the least. That, however, was not one of the more pressing matters at hand. The fact that the hotel assumed they were married took precedence. At least, in Bonnie's mind.

"No!" Bonnie protests loudly, physically recoiling. Her exclamation draws the attention of several onlookers in their direction. She repeats herself. "No." The second time, the word escapes her in a far softer tone. The pent-up frustration is clearly evident in the slight quivering of her usually steady hands. The receptionist is locked briefly in the cross-hairs of her turquoise orbs. "I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding! We're not married!" She could almost feel the swirl of gossip that would carry that piece of information throughout the motel. She wasn't that kind of woman!

A wistful glance is shot in Michael's direction but he is being of no help. He is too busy chuckling like a giddy squirrel. She could have taken it a step further and argued that they weren't even together which, in most respects of the phrase, happened to be the Gospel truth but she doesn't. Her reputation couldn't withstand another blow. The brunette can feel her forehead throbbing, foreshadowing the incredible makings of a headache. This was turning out to be a night from hell with her clothing getting snatched and the room situation not improving. "Don't you have another room? A single or something?" She prods.

"No. No misunderstanding, I assure you." The woman behind the desk remarks. "You asked for two singles rooms together. Right? We give you the largest of single rooms together." The woman gestures with her hands the joining of spaces. She listens, almost offended, by Bonnie's near refusal of the best room. It is fairly obvious that such an offer has never been rejected before in the motel's history. She counters Bonnie's next inquiry with, "we're sold out. We just sold our last room at seven this evening. The only ones left unoccupied are your room from last night, the one without a door, and the honeymoon suite."

In the grand scheme of things, this predicament was quite comical. Michael, having ceased in expressing the humor of the situation, languidly drags the pads of his thumb and middle finger across the backs of his eyes. A part of him can hazard a guess as to where the mishap in translation occurred between the receptionist and his favorite mechanic. She must have gone the long way around, having meant to ask for adjoining rooms. Now, here they were.

Sure. The honeymoon suite wouldn't have topped the list of desired accommodations but it could be worse. They could be gearing up for a night in state lock-up surrounded by real felons. Sensing that the receptionist's explanation was grating on Bonnie's already unraveling nerves, Michael intervenes. His one hand gingerly presses to Bonnie's nearest arm as the fingers from the other hand clutch around the room keys. "It's okay. It's better this way." He starts deploying his natural charisma and charm. Michael tips his head conspiratorially closer before murmuring in Bonnie's ear, "listen. If whoever trashed our room comes back, I'd feel a hell of a lot better if you were in the room with me." He is treading lightly, trying not to insult her lack of brute strength while also getting Bonnie to see the situation his way. Sharing the honeymoon suite shouldn't be a problem for them after sharing a bed the previous night.

The Not So Lonesome Knight: Mistake at the MotelWhere stories live. Discover now