Untitled Part 7

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The ravenous gnawing sensation threatening to overtake Devon Miles's nerves amplifies with every moment that he regards their precarious situation. He can not actively discern what troubles him more the abduction, the concealed enemy behind it, or the sense of foreboding he has concerning the matter. Whilst he is carrying an incredible burden on the breadth of his capable shoulders, Devon remained the exemplification of poise and decorum that he knows his team requires. He could thank his training and experience in the RAF and Secret Intelligence Service for the refinement of his character.

Unleashing a haggard sigh, the Patriarch addressed his most trusted staff members. "As I'm sure you've read, Kent Stevens was a model employee. He made a habit of being prompt." With that last word, Devon is half tempted to eye Michael sharply. It took a great deal of effort to restrain himself from doing so. "Kent was also courteous and extremely helpful. He was known for lending his hand to other departments when they were in need of assistance. He was often deployed in our negotiations with foreign diplomats." Miles allows his words to fall into a brief silence as he recounts some of the more sticky situations Kent helped the Foundation and Wilton Knight out of in the early days of the organization.

Carrying on he breathes, "so naturally, you could imagine my shock when I received the telephone call from his wife." He delays once more, sorting through a tangle of his thoughts. With a shake of his head, he dismissed the frantic chord of Grace's voice in her entreaty for the Foundation's help. "You see, the ol' chap is the son of someone I fought alongside of during the war. I made it out, his father wasn't so fortunate. Wilton Knight and I grew to trust his son explicitly as if, he were one of our own. He had one of the highest levels of clearances at the Foundation."

With that statement, Bonnie and Michael grew to understand why Devon had insisted the matter was urgent enough to abruptly drop the counterfeiting case they had been working. Fortunately, Stevens's house was only about a three-hour drive from their present location and not halfway across the country. So, there wouldn't be any need for emergency flights or other hotel reservations. Though, Bonnie had almost hoped for a switch in motels.

Michael's tongue traverses across the edges of his teeth as he leans conspiratorially closer to both Bonnie and Devon. "So, what you're saying is, this guy had access to a lot of things. Right?"

Devon nods in affirmation. He clarifies, "Yes. Stevens had been granted access to information. He knew high-security passwords, the names of agents, about blue-prints for future and current projects. He knows the locations of our warehouses, safe-houses, mansions, and garages. Worse still, Kent had access and extensive knowledge of our computer systems. I don't have to tell you what could happen if any of it gets into the hands of the wrong individuals. Do I?"

Bonnie inhales sharply. There is one part of what Devon says that she particularly hates. 'He has extensive knowledge of their computer systems.' While the systems have been updated several times since his departure, there remained a question as to what all he had seen and how much of the coding he recalled. Even if he didn't have total recollection, he could still make a huge mess of things. "I take it that we're going to have to assume everything is compromised and operate under the radar without the support of our usual resources?"

"I'm afraid so, Bonnie. It can't be helped. At least, not until this conflict reaches a desirable resolution." Devon glumly commiserates.

Michael stiffens. He knows exactly what Bonnie is hinting at. He can understand her distress in full. The loss of the usual resources would be a significant hindrance to their investigation. He knows that they had outsourced and successfully solved at least one case before. Sure. It had been a hard-won victory but they could do it again. Michael an alarming amount of faith in their abilities. "You said his wife called?" He waits for Devon's expected nod 'yes' before continuing, "was she able to shed any light on the circumstances surrounding his disappearance? Were there any ransom demands?"

"I'm afraid not and there haven't been any ransom demands as of this hour." He grimly answers. Having a ransom demand would have given them an idea of who was behind this. For now, they were still operating blind. 

Michael's expression turned stony, hard with concentration. His dark brows furrow together at Devon's remark about the absence of a ransom notice. That could be bad news. If he had been abducted which, remains in doubt, then his captors would want some form of compensation. Unless of course, they intended to kill him once they got what they wanted. That was a very ugly possibility. But the more terrifying option could be that Kent Stevens defected and disappeared so that he can inflict maximum damage on the Foundation for some perceived or real grievance. "Did you ever have any trouble with him going AWOL before?"

The older gentleman shakes his head 'no' without flinching. Devon noting Michael's reaction explains,"that's why I had you both meet me here. I'd like you to conduct a joint interview with his wife to see if you can glean more from her than I did."

While Miles was aware that Dr. Barstow was far more comfortable with the behind the scenes aspects of the Foundation's affairs, he also recognized her as an invaluable asset. If he were being honest, she happened to be his favorite proxy. Devon knows he shouldn't display partiality but it was quite difficult given her extensive skill set and her social graces. She was more articulate and had a better tolerance for high society functions than Michael did. Plus, he could trust her not to do infantile things such as playing hooky or utilize expensive technology for leisurely pursuits. That wasn't to say, he didn't feel a considerable fondness for Michael. Michael was his beloved adopted son. However, Bonnie's presence was sometimes better received than that of the former cop's. This situation may prove to be no exception. "Bonnie?" His attention focuses solely upon her.

"Yes, Devon?" The brunette questions, an air of puzzlement flittering in her tone. She couldn't entirely predict what he was going to ask of her. Still, the brunette was more than ready to comply with almost every order he'd give.

"I hate to impose," he starts in complete sincerity, "but could you do me a favour and spend a few hours with her until the security detail arrives? I'd do it myself, but I have to secure as many of the assets as possible. I'd like Michael and Kitt to go out investigating any leads you might gain from the interview the very first moment that they can."

She smiles. "It is no imposition at all. I can do that." Bonnie tried to camouflage the relief in her tone. Being assigned this task meant that she wouldn't have to be trapped with Kitt and Michael all day. She could use the distraction. It would give her room to think, room to feel, space to plan; not only in terms of what happened with Michael but their current situation. She is sure that from Stevens's household she could start to backup and move some of the Foundation's more vulnerable data to a more secure network.

The rest of the lunchtime meal went without incident. A little lively chatter was passed back and forth until they had all finished their meals.

As Bonnie and Michael stand to leave Devon says, "do try to get along. We are the only hope the Foundation has to survive."

The two younger agents exchange looks. If only their boss knew just how well they were getting along, he might not have issued such a warning. But neither one dared say anything.

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