The Road To Molly's

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This is the second part of The Chicago Flames - A Stellaride Story series set in and around the storyline of Chicago Fire. Feel free to comment on suggestions for future parts, feedback is much appreciated.

This part picks up after Stella Kidd joins 51 and just before the fire at Molly's.

Stella was stood at the coffee machine in the common room, pouring her second cup of the day. Turning into the room after putting his belongings in the locker room, Severide enters and greets Kidd; he mentioned how Grant had been stopping by the firehouse a lot more than usual recently even though him and Kidd had gotten divorced around a year ago. Stella's reply was simple; she made it clear that they weren't together and that he was not in the right head space at the moment. Grant had been with Stella a long time so breaking a long term habit was hard, especially when he also couldn't let Stella go. Severide rolled his eyes as Grant never seemed to be in the right head space, Stella could agree with that, as that's part of the reason she ended it with him. They stood together for a brief moment inhaling the strong smell of firehouse coffee until Severide reached over her to grab a cup of coffee also;  he then retreated to his officer quarters, leaving Stella sipping on her beverage and thinking whether it was time to just tell Grant to move on and let her live her life, her new life at 51.

The bells went off a couple times that morning, but it wasn't until truck got a call to 1925 W. Wolcott Street that 51 was really moving. 81 and ambo 61 arrived and Molly's in disbelief, they entered the bar where the smoke was light, but the glowing amber shining through the kitchen window was the real cause for concern. 81 rushed into the kitchen to extinguish the fire quickly, soon to realise that the real problem is in the walls as the fire was electric. They beat through the walls and knocked down those flames also only to then realise what had started the fire; the atrisanal ice maker that Stella had begged Hermann to buy. Kidd felt a pit in her stomach grow and just wanted the ground to swallow her whole. As they were walking out and locking Molly's up, Hermann gave Kidd a disappointed look, which only made her feel worse as she really cared for these people, and didn't want to disappoint them. 

On the way back to 51 Stella couldn't stop apologising and saying that she would get it fixed up quickly, Hermann was obviously still annoyed by the situation and questioned Stella, and how she would pay for the lost business; he didn't want to say any more as his rage would overcome him and he too cared for Kidd so didn't want to say anything that would suggest otherwise. Stella could tell that Hermann was enraged so she chose to keep quiet and stop apologising as that would only annoy him further.

It was the second day off from their shift and Stella had retrieved all the materials she needed to fix up the wall, the sun had just about set and she was in the burnt out kitchen of Molly's trying to fix the wall, it wasn't going too well, who knew fitting an 8 foot plaster board on your own would have been hard, but the determination to get it fixed is what drove Stella to at least try. She was just about to give up when she heard a door slide open and foot steps walking towards her, it was Severide; he offered to lend her a hand as two pairs of hand are better that one. They stand staring at the wall for a couple of moments, until Stella asks Severide why when she was married, he showed up at her house, but now that she's solo, he couldn't give a damn. She quickly moved on with the conversation switching subjects to what they were both there to actually do.

The tension between them filled the silence in the air, before they knew it, they were involved in a long and passionate kiss; they walked slowly backwards until Stella's back was pushed against the wall. The illumination from the fluorescent lamp lighting the kitchen, bounced off her dark curls and off of his bare back. They continue to indulge in each other for a good amount of time; Severide started to pull at the poppers on Stella's dungarees but instead of giving into the temptation, she resisted and instead reminded him of what they were both there to actually do. They make out a little while longer before mutually agreeing to plaster the wall.

The wall is finally plastered and they can finally get out of there, plastering the wall was the easy part, resistance was the hardest part of that job for both of them. They packed up Severide's tool kit and walked towards their cars, Kelly followed Stella back to her apartment and continued what they had started at Molly's.

Season 4, Episode 22 happens.

Thank you for reading part two of The Chicago Flames - A Stellaride Story series. Like and Comment, any feedback as it is much appreciated :)

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