Chapter 7

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Mal watched as Azalea took the plate of food from Mrs. Potts and went back into the kitchen with it. She bit her lip, not wanting to offend her soon to be husband and in-laws. She was brought out of her thoughts when Ben put his hand on hers.

"Mal? You okay?" He asked.

Mal couldn't stop herself from blurting out, "Does Azalea have an eating disorder?" Belle, Adam, and Ben looked at her in slight surprise. "I don't mean to offend you or her but it's just... I've never seen her eat and I've read that some eating disorders damage the vocal cords and..."

"Mal, it's okay." Ben cut her off gently. "It's nice to see you so worried about my sister."

"And Azalea doesn't have an eating disorder." Belle assured. "She's perfectly fine." Mal let out a small breath. "She just has some... interesting eating habits so she prefers to eat alone or just with family."

Mal sighed, putting down her fork. "Look, I know I promised I wouldn't push this but can someone please tell me why Azalea is mute? You told me it wasn't by choice but then what was it?"

"Mal..." Ben started but she cut him off.

"I'm sorry Ben but we're going to be married soon. She's going to be my sister." Mal argued. "I think that makes us family enough to tell me why."

"That's just it, Mal. It's not our's to tell." Adam retorted. "Yes, only family knows why Lea is mute but that's because she's chosen not to tell anyone else."

"It's ultimately her choice whether or not to tell you." Belle reasoned. "I'm sorry."

Mal slumped slightly in her chair. "It's okay. I get it. I just... wish I knew if there was something I could do to help."

Belle reached over and patted her hand. "And I'm sure Azalea is grateful to have people who care about her like you do but if there's anything that will help her, it's not something you can do." Mal nodded and they slowly returned to their meal.


Harry walked into the ballroom of the castle and smiled when he saw Azalea gently plucking the strings of her harp in a familiar melody. She had her eyes closed and Harry took a moment to appreciate the serene look on her face as she played. It was as if she was in her own little world when she was playing music and he honestly couldn't get enough of it.

She delicately played the last notes and took a breath, relaxing her stance. She opened her eyes and jumped slightly when she saw Harry. She shook her head and signed, You really have a habit of sneaking up on me.

He shrugged with a smirk. "What can I say? The Isle raised me wrong." She giggled and set the harp on its stand. "That's yer parents' song, ain't it?"

She nodded with a small smile under her mask. It's going to be their anniversary present. My mom loves the harp the best so I arranged their song for it. I'm gonna surprise them with the performance at the ball.

Harry nodded, remembering hearing Jane and Audrey discuss plans for the event. In a few weeks, it would be Belle and Adam's anniversary so they were holding a ball for everyone to attend in celebration.

"That sounds like the perfect present." Harry said finally. Azalea nodded, absentmindedly running her fingers along the wood of the instrument. Harry touched her shoulder gently. "You alright?"

She nodded with a smile, but this one he could see was forced. Fine. Lost in thought. 

"Litle rose, I know you better than that." He countered. She blushed lightly when he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "What's goin' on in that beautiful head of yer's?"

It's nothing. I swear. He gave her a look and she gritted her teeth slightly. It's not nothing but it's also not anything anybody would understand so I'd rather not get into it.

"I think yer underestimating yer friends. An' me." Harry retorted. "How do you know no one is going to understand if ya don't tell us?"

She glared at him. That's the thing. I can't tell you because I have to sign or type everything I say. That's my problem.

He scoffed a bit. "Well I don't think that would be an issue if you told us why exactly you aren't speakin'. Ya ever consider that tellin' someone would help you?"

No one and nothing can help me! Even in sign, he could tell she was trying not to yell. My family has been searching for half of my life to help me. Nothing has worked. Forgive me if I've lost hope after eight years of trying and failing. 

"Then tell us!" Harry argued. "Maybe Mal, Jane, any one of us can figure somethin' out if you would just tell us!"

If I told you, you would all sprint for the exit.

Harry's heart dropped. "Do ya really think so little of us? Of me?"

I think so little of the universe. It has done nothing but torment me and I don't expect it to change any time soon. 

"Azalea..." He started but she cut him off.

I'm sorry but until you've spent half a lifetime in forced silence with your own mind torturing itself and watching your hope for reprieve slowly slip away into nothing, you will never understand.

Without another word she turned and left the ballroom, leaving Harry in, ironically, a stunned silence. He stared at the door, torn between screaming in frustration and running after her. 

He sat down in her seat, the harp still in its stand next to it. He ran a finger along one of the strings. He could faintly hear the note come from it and snatched his hand back, his mind filling with images of Azalea playing the instrument.

He buried his face in his hands and let out a small groan. He only wanted to help. Why couldn't she see that?

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