the "buying a mother off the dark web" video

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   Chester sighed as he looked at parker, "do we really gotta do this one...?" He asked as he looked at Parker through his sun glasses.

     "Yeah, dude, I already found the website and all that, just, c'mon," Parker pressed as he stared at chester.

    Chester stared back before finally sighing, "fine, but you better not just let her kill me," Chester said with a huff.

   Parker chuckled,  "don't worry dude, I'll protect you," and with those words, they started the video

After filming the first part, like they said, they needed to wait three days for the 'mom' to get there.

   "Well you seemed rather excited about getting the lady saying as you didn't want to do the video," Parker says, making Chester simply shrug, "y'know, I really just wanna get it done quickly," Chester said lightly, still starring at the screen.

     The truth was, Chester didnt have much family growing up so he was mostly caught in the moment at the thought of getting a mom, tho he now realized it was dumb of him and he should have thought more into it.

           Parker watched Chester state at the screen, "bro, you good?" Parker asked watching as Chester slowly nodded before standing and starting to walk to his room,  "Yeah... Just tired.."  Chester said before quickly walking away.

    Parker could tell something was wrong tho he decided to simply brush it off.

      Three days later

It's now 3am, Chester and Parker are both sitting in the living room waiting for the 'mother' to get there. Chester was worried tho played it off as excitement, "wow, you seem excited," Parker said while chuckling, "..i am!" Chester said as convincing as possible.

      They walked over to the door and Parker opened it, "hello sweeties," the woman said, standing at the door, "may I come in?" Parker said yes and allowed her in before she instantly walked towards Chester, "let me fix your hair.." She started messing with his hair, 'fixing it' nicely.., "um p-Pease stop," Chester said teething to back away before Parker had to intervein, "hey! He's a grown man! Stop!" Chester was startled tho the lady was not, "ill make you some food... You must be hungery," she said, not caring about Parker's statement.

        Later, before she was forced to leave

"Where is she?!" Chester asked quickly, "I don't know, I'll look downstairs," Parker said, leaving Chester alone to look for her.

"Whats that?" Chester asks himself as he hears whispering, finding the mother whispering in the room. "Hey, wh-what are you doing?" Chester asks her.

   "Sweetie, you're supposed to be asleep," she then walked towards him, "come here, come here," cheaters eyes widened as she tried to grab him, "no! No! Get away from me!" Chester yelled, making her mad and start yelling. The words were unidentifiable on camera but he heard them clearly, "SHE LEFT FOR A REASON! THAT REASON IS YOU! YOU!"  she then started grabbing at him again. Chester didn't know what she meant for a moment tho he remember his mother leaving when he was young which practically broke his mental state, she broke the wall which he had been taking so long to build up so words of such didn't hurt him. That's when he yelled help.

    Parker instantly ran up to find Chester being pushed up against the wall by the woman who was screeching, "GET OUT!" Parker yelled i immediately, making the Wigan run out the room and leave Chester shaking, "OUT! LEAVE NOW!" Parker continued yelling antil she was out the door, making him come back up to Chester finding him at the top of the stairs. "You ok?" Parker asked, his voice now soft, "Yeah.... Oh wait! She left her purse and... EW!" cockroaches.

The next morning

"Yo, Chester, wake up," Chester instantly got up and slipped on his glasses, he hadn't been able to sleep, "Yeah..?" Look at this footage.

      After they were done film in

Chester sighed, disgusted by the earlier accurences then thought, "Yo, did we ever look through the room after she left?" Chester asked, getting a shake of the head from Parker. "Let's check it out really quick then..."Parker said, standing up, Chester sighed before nodding, "ok..." He was slightly scarred of what he would see and was correct for being.

      As soon as they walked in they saw Chester's name written all over the walls along with the words, "she left because of you," Chester's eyes widened as he felt tears gloss over them. "Dude, what's that mean?" Parker asked, looking at Chester, "I don't know dude! How'd she know my name?!" He questioned, his breathing quickening as he looked around at the walls, only to find different messages, such as, "she hates you," or, " she never wanted you," along with, "your nothing," he looked around as he started to shake and back up towards the door, "w-what the h-hell?! W-Why is the shit a-addresed towards m-me?!" Chester spoke quietly with a quiver in his tone, "Dude, calm down," Parker spoke quickly, walking up to Chester and quickly pulling off his sun glasses, making Chester quickly look to the floor and shut his eyes tightly, only to make the tears stream down his cheeks.

    Parker saw this and quickly hugged Chester tightly, "Chester, calm down, I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you.. What arnt you telling me?" Chester had quickly returned the hug and was looking down into Parker's shoulder, not responding to him.

     Parke lifted Chester's chin lightly, forcing Chester to look at him, "please, Chester, just tell me what's wrong," Parker askedlooking at Chester who started shaking an insane amount, beginning to hyperventilate and go into panic.

     Parker's eyes widened as he quickly rushed Chester into his own room and say him down, forcing him to look him in the eye, "Chester. Calm down, you know I would never let anything hurt you," Parker had began to rub circles on Chester's back while Chester latched onto him in a hug, slowly calming down.

   Chester soon loosened his grip and looked up at Parker who was starting down at him. Chester whiped his eyes and looked at where he had made quite the visible wet spot on Parker's shoulder, "s-sorry about that.."

     Parker shook his head, "no, it's fine... What.. Exactly, just happened...?" Parker questioned Chester, making him stare down at the floor, "well..... My mother left me w-when I was only about 3 and I think that lady somehow kn-knew a-about it.."Chester said, starting to shake again.

    Parker sat down next to Chester once more and hugged him, "I had no clue... But how do you know that she knows that?" Parker questioned while Chester was still sat, looking at his lap where his fist were in tight balled fists,"I "because of what she said to me.." Chester said, shaking a bit more, "what did she say...?" Parker was silent a minute before asking, "she said 'she' left for a reason, the reason is m-me," at this point tears were already rolling down his cheeks again but Parker turned tho where he was in front of him and hugged him tightly, "even if that was true, which I doubt anything she said was true, she wouldve made a mistake, because I don't know why anyone in their right mind would leave you." Parker explained, smiling softly to Chester. Chester couldn't help but Barry his face in his friends chest while he cried.

From that moment, Chester developed a crush
(Which he prob had a long time before that happened, he just now came to terms with it)

(Chester x Parker) I'll protect youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن