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I was on the phone with my grandma when Colson walked into the room and wrapped his arms around me.

"É o? Teu marido."

I smiled, "Si. Colson, this is my grandma Miranda. Avó, this is Colson."

"It's nice to meet the man who's married my Estella."

Colson smiled, "It's nice to meet you too. You have a wonderful granddaughter."

"Eu aprovo. Ele parece mais gentil que Drew. 
Ele parece um rude, mas eu sei que você é assim."

My jaw dropped, "Avó!"

"O que? Estou errado?"

"Oh my gosh, Avó," I said and looked up at Colson who seemed confused as my grandma laughed.

"I'll let you two be now," she said.

"Te amo Avó" I said before hanging up.

I dropped my phone on the counter and Colson laughed as I ran my hands through my hair.

"What language was that?"


"What did she say," he asked as he picked me up and set me on the counter, stepping in between my legs.

"Nothing," I said quickly.

He gave me a look and I sighed, "She approves."

"I don't speak Portuguese but I know that she said more than that."

I groaned and rested my forehead on his shoulder and mumbled, "She said you're my type."

"What was that," he asked and I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Shut up," I said and lifted my head up to see the smirk I knew would be there.

The smirk stayed, "It's pretty hot hearing you speak Portuguese. You should teach me."

I raised an eyebrow and linked my fingers together behind his neck, "Você está animado com isso.  Eu gostaria de me afogar no oceano azul do seu olhar."

"Damn," Colson said and I smirked.

"Eu queria perguntar uma coisa, quantas vezes devo olhar para seus lábios para que você saiba que eu quero beijá-los, papi?"

"Fuck," he said and kissed me.

I smiled and curled my fingers in his hair as he put one hand on my cheek and the other on my waist.

"Oh shit, that was fast," we heard and I pulled away to see Pete standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

Colson chuckled, "I mean, have you seen her?"

Pete rolled his eyes, "Casie and Emma are at the door."

"Sick, thanks for the heads up," Colson said and helped me off the counter.

"Horny little shits," Pete mumbled and I laughed.

"Come on," Colson said happily, "this is going to be great."

Colson grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front door.

"Kells," the woman in the doorway said, "what the hell is going on?"

"Hey Emma," he said, "surprise."

Emma turned to look at me and I smiled, "Nice to meet you. I'm Stella."

"Yeah, I know."

I smiled awkwardly as Emma looked over to Colson, "I thought you weren't one for marriage Kells."

He shrugged, "It's different with her."

"How come you didn't say anything about her before this morning?"

I stepped closer to Colson and spoke up.

"That's my fault," I said, "the whole world knew every detail about my last relationship so with this one I was so happy having this be such a private affair. We were both on tour and with everything going on it just seemed right to keep the focus off of us until now."

Emma seemed pleased with my answer.

"I hope he treats you well," she said, "I'd hate for Casie to listen to a break up album about her dad."

"I promise that won't happen," I said and Emma smiled.

"Speaking of my daughter, where is she? Pete said she was here," Colson said.

Emma turned to look in the front yard, "She's outside with Rook showing off her new skateboarding skills."

"Has she gotten the kickflip down?"

Emma nodded and Colson smiled before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the house.

"Dad," a little girl with brown curly hair yelled and Colson knelt down on the ground as Casie ran into his arms.

"Hi special girl," Colson said as he hugged his daughter.

"How long are you home for? Did you see my kickflip?"

"I did, it was great," Colson said and high-fived Casie, "I'm just here for a little bit, I have someone I want you to meet."

Colson turned his head in my direction and Casie's jaw dropped, "Holy crap that's Stella Gonzalez."


Casie and Colson sheepishly smiled up at Emma. "Sorry Mom."

Colson laughed, "Case, Stell's who I wanted you to meet."

"Hi Casie," I said and knelt down next to Colson, "your dad's told me a lot about you."

"Wow," she said, "this is wild."

I smiled.

"Actually, Case," Colson said, "Stella and I have something to tell you."

She looked up at him, "What?"

"Well," he said, "we got married last night."

Her jaw dropped.

"You married Stella Gonzalez."

Colson nodded and she looked at me.

"You married my dad."

I nodded and showed her the ring on my finger.

"Sick," she said.

"You're alright with this," Colson asked and I held my breath.


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