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When I woke up, my head hurt. Scratch that, everything hurt.

I groaned and threw my arm over my face as the sunlight filtered in the room.

Where the hell am I?

As I opened my eyes and squinted around the room, it was clear that I was not at my apartment.

I closed my eyes and sat up, resting my head in my hands as I tried to remember what happened.

As my head touched my hand, a cool sensation ran across my skin.

Opening my eyes, I looked down to see a large sparkling diamond on my left ring finger.

I jumped out of bed and noticed I was in a clean t-shirt that was very large and very not mine.

"What the hell did I do," I groaned as I stepped on the cold tile floor and opened the bedroom door.

Lights were on and I followed the feint noise in the background to a kitchen where a number of people sat around a bar.

"Hello," I said awkwardly.

The group turned towards me and stared.

"So I normally don't do this but I have no idea what happened last night," I said, "anyone feel like filling me in?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out," a familiar looking man said.

"Want some coffee in the mean time," the only other girl asked and I nodded.

"I'm Ashleigh, by the way."

"Stella," I responded.

"These are Colson, Rook, and Pete."

I nodded, "Yeah, I thought you guys looked familiar."

"Want to sit down," Pete asked.

With the coffee in hand, I sat down next to Pete Davidson.

"We know we started the night in Los Angeles," Colson said and I took a sip of coffee.

"Where are we now?"

"Cleveland," he responded.

"Holy shit," I choked out, "how did that happen?"

"I don't know."

I sighed, "My manager's going to kill me."

"Maybe this isn't in the press yet," Pete said.

"Fat fucking chance," Colson said.

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

I cleared my throat, "Maybe the press can help us for once. If they were there we can try to piece together what happened."

"Well, I remember us meeting in LA at some club," Rook said.

"The Playhouse," I asked.

Rook nodded.

"We must have met there," he said.

"That's the last place I'm positive I was at. I went there to get smashed when Drew's new single about me released last night," I admitted, "I think I remember leaving and then we smoked something, maybe, then I remember being in a hotel."

"Weed," both Pete and Colson said.

I took another gulp of coffee, it could have been worse.

"That hotel was my hotel, by the way," Ashleigh said.

The four of us nodded.

Ashleigh sighed and then added, "My hotel was in Vegas. Not LA."

"Damn," Colson sighed, "how'd we manage that?"

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