2. The Final Stage

Start from the beginning

 But before I can focus anymore on that I feel another burning sensation shoot through my entire body and I scream out again. It feels like my body is being set on fire. 

I've been tortured and experimented on a lot during my time here, but absolutely nothing matches this level of pain. 'Probably why they called it the final stage.'

I feel another torturous burn scorch the inside my head and it feels like my brain is on fire. Another one burns in my chest like I'm having a heart attack. 

I scream out in pain again before I feel myself blackout. 

*    *    *

I slowly flutter my eyes open and look around. 

I'm in the same box I was in before, still on the floor with a pillow over my head. 

I have no clue how long I was out for.

I look across the room at the two people I saw there before. My eyes widen as I see what they are doing. 

The girl has some play blocks in the room with her, and she's floating them around above her head with what looks like some sort of red energy. The energy is glowing from her fingers and her eyes are glowing red too. 

I then look over to the boy. He is running back and forth between the walls at lightning speed. He looks like he is unable to control it though because each time he crashes and he looks like he is in pain. There is a sort of blue glow around him as he speed runs back and forth. 

I push myself back up onto my knees. The air around me feels lighter. I don't hear the buzzing noises as much as I did earlier, but I can feel it. Like a tingling sensation in my hands. Like I can tell where the energy is coming from. 

I look over to some of the people in the room and I can feel them. I can feel their own energy radiating off of them. 

I move my fingers around and I see small white lights dance from my fingertips. 

It looks almost like fire, but I can't feel any heat coming from it.

I take the flickering flame and start to make it swirl around my hands, completely engulfing them. I then shape the fire into a ball in my hand. 

The energy/fire is bright white. It glows in a circle in my hand getting bigger and bigger, all the while not getting any hotter. At least, for me.

I decide to release it from my hand and let the ball float above my head. To my surprise, it works. I created another and another until it was like little white energy lamps were floating above my head. 

I them decided to spin them, making them go faster and faster. I brought them back close to me, and juggled them in the air, my hands never even touching them. 

I see Strucker walk over with some scientist. I can't hear what their saying, but when he looks over to the three of us I make eye contact. 

I can feel my eyes tingle as I feel Strucker's...energy? I get this weird feeling in my brain that he feels proud.

I look around the room again at the girl. She smirks and them smashes the two blocks together with her energy, completely destroying them. 

I then, following her lead, smash the flames together, which creates a mini explosion. I jump back a little from the sudden noise and bright burst of light.

I glance back over at the two and see that they are both looking over at me, probably because of the explosion. 

We really are the only survivors of Strucker's experiments. 

A Heart on Fire // TonyStarksDaughterWhere stories live. Discover now