"Ozzy!" Y/N said excited and immediately kneeled down petting him and letting him lick her face, "Yeah I missed you too."

"Yes, calm down. Stop talking," Tom said as Y/N stood up while Ozzy sat down by Tom's feet and barked. "No. Ozzy, please. Good to see you too."

"Oh, little Lord Baby Jesus," Rachel said pointing at the blanket Tom was carrying, "What is that Tom? Is that plutonium? Is it e-mails?"

"E-mails?" Y/N asked glancing at her and then the blanket.

 "Yes it's plutonium," Tom jokingly said and quickly turned to Maddie saying, "Can we please go in the other room and—" Ozzy began to pull the blanket and Tom turned to him annoyed, "Stop it, Ozzy. Quit it!"

"This is why I told you he was no good," Rachel said to Maddie who turned to her surprised.

"I'm not engaging in—" Maddie tried to get Rachel to silence but it seemed impossible.

"Ozzy!" Y/N commanded as the dog continued on pulling the blanket.

Tom also did his best to get him to stop and tried to command him, "No, Ozzy, quit it. Ozzy, no! Ozzy, no!"

Y/N grabbed Ozzy and was about to walk him over to another room, but before she could do that the dog managed to pull the blanket off revealing what was under it. Both Maddie and Rachel turned to Tom surprised.

"Oh, catch me, Jojo," Rachel said before fainting and falling on the floor.

"Oh, thank God," Tom sighed turning to Maddie, "Can I get a glass of water?"

Maddie looked between Tom, Y/N and the creature in Tom's arms confused and asked, "What is this?"

Tom sighed, "We'll explain just—"

"You need to help him," Y/N said worry gleaming in her eyes.

Maddie was surprised by the request but immediately recognized the worry in her daughter's voice. "Okay," she nodded and walked into the kitchen with Y/N and Tom following. "Lay it down there and I'll go get my... stuff," she said eyeing Sonic still baffled by all this.

She left the room as Tom set Sonic down on the table, "There you go."

Jojo sat down on of the chairs as Y/N stood by Sonic's side and kept eyeing him. "He'll be fine," she said glancing at Jojo. I hope.

"Tom! Can I get some help?" Maddie shouted from the other room.

Tom smiled to the girls and walked to the hallway to see Maddie trying to lift Rachel from the floor. He immediately went to help her and the two set her down on one of the living room chairs. "You think we should tie her or something?" he asked glancing between Rachel and Maddie.

Maddie raised her eyebrows surprised by the suggestion and was about to oppose the idea but then realized it would maybe be easier if Rachel wasn't hassling around them. "Good idea." They tied her up with some jumping ropes and after that as Maddie went to look for her first aid kits. 

"What is it?" Jojo asked as Y/N slowly began to caress Sonic's quills.

"He's a hedgehog," she answered.

Jojo glanced at Y/N and looked at the creature somewhat confused, "Why is he blue?"

"He's from another planet. I guess that's why," Y/N replied.

"Does he have a name?" Jojo asked her.

"Yeah, he does," she smiled and turned to her, "It's Sonic."

Jojo looked at Sonic interested, "What's he like?"

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