"Who wants to go?" John B murmured, half asleep in his comfy position. Kiara and Isla let out soft giggles.

"Not me, I have an essay to write," Pope said from his position at the kitchen table. A pen twirled against his fingers as he focused on the paper below him.

"I'll go." Isla said, moving to get up. This earned a groan from both boys. "C'mon, I was so comfy!" John B groaned, replacing Isla's thighs with a pillow. JJ smacked the back of Isla's thighs. "I was too." He muttered, leaning his head against the couch as he enjoyed the view of Isla's backside.

"Boo fucking hoo," the girl lifted the keys to the VW off the counter, throwing her long hair into a ponytail before going towards the door. "I'll be back. Don't have too much fun without me."


As Isla cruised down the beaten-down road, she jammed to some Pink Floyd, her thoughts running wild in her head. She had missed everything about the outer banks so much; even the shitty Kooks. It all almost made her regret going back home last time.

Isla would never admit this to anyone except herself; deep down, no matter how much she swears she'll never go back, if her mother came to take her home, Isla wouldn't hesitate to go. She couldn't understand why the decision was so subconsciously easy for her. Almost every part of her wanted to hate her mother for putting her through so much but there was always a shadow of her that never turned into hatred. It was the deep love for her mom; the craving of saving her mother from herself over and over again that made Isla stay.

Even now, as she sat alone on the bus, Isla found herself thinking about leaving already.

"What the hell's wrong with me?" She whispered to herself, slamming her hands against the wheel after she parked. She slid out of the bus, cursing the height of the vehicle.

She pulled the door to the corner store open, the smell of cigarettes and jerky hitting her nose. Isla made a Beeline for the alcohol, spotting the beer almost instantly.

As she grabbed the cans, something caught Isla's eye; a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey. Looking around the store, Isla grabbed the liquor as well and walked up to the counter. She expected to see the old man, Ray, leaning behind the counter. But she was shocked to see a boy her age sitting against it.

Damnit, she thought.

He had a brow raised, as he motioned to the booze. "You look a little too young to be buying that, Miss," He said, a slight clip to his voice. "How old are you?"

Isla put the alcohol on the counter next to the boy, cocking her hip out as she leaned against the counter. She eyed the boy down, before sending him a shit-eating grin. "C'mon now, Keaton," She purred as she read his name tag. "Y'know it's rude to ask a woman her age."

The boy rolled his eyes. "35.12$," he said, tapping away at his register. "You're lucky you're hot."

Isla held a hand over her heart. "You're an angel. I think I just might love you," She handed him the cash before grabbing her alcohol. She looked at the pocket on his shirt, noticing the faint glint of the Juul in the fabric. "You mind if I hit it?"

The boy coughed awkwardly as he closed the register, his cheeks blossoming as his head snapped up to the girl. "Wha-Huh?" He stuttered, earning a laugh from Isla. He looked down at his pocket before groaning in embarrassment. "Oh. You meant this." He reached for the Juul before passing it to the girl. Isla took a big hit, blowing out a ghost before sucking the smoke back into her mouth. She held eye contact, her blue gaze burning straight into his brown. "What did you think I meant, babe?" She asked, blowing the smoke right into his face.

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