Is this for real

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Waking up my back hurt, my neck felt stiff and I stared at the ceiling wondering what I ever did so bad to deserve this life.
7am they would be in bed until after 10. I had a few hours to breath and gave my breakfast in peace. Thursdays I normally work from 10am but have to leave at 8:30 to make it on time. I ride the bus and it takes an hour to get to my work.
Today I have nothing to do. Hmmm
Scrolling through my phone I come across a local enterprise giving one lucky person their chance to start up their own business. My dream of my own patisserie spins in my head. What would it be like to be your own boss, make enough money for your own home & get as far away from here as possible. I must've dozed over when I heard my mum shout "GET UP... making the place look like a tip head"
Oh no I should've been out by now.
"Sorry mum, I overslept, I didn't get much sleep last night"
Shoving me as I stood she curses while throwing the blanket at me. "Get this place cleaned"
Walking out to the kitchen her cigarette in hand she puts the kettle on and sets out 2 cups. Thinking one was for me I smile. She's still my mum and no  matter how grumpy or mean she can be. She's has a hard life and deserves some happiness.
"Olivia why are you not at work?"
"Mum I've a few days holiday I had to use. So I'm off until Monday"
"Monday you must be joking.. you can't be here all day. Cara has to relax. You make her stressed reminding her of that boyfriend. " 
Going into the bathroom I wheel my suitcase with my clothes and turn the shower on. As I step in the door bangs
"GET OUT.... MUM OLIVIA won't let me use the bathroom."
Wrapping a towel around me I step out and open the door.
"I thought you were still sleeping I'm just having a quick shower."
Pushing me out she walks in and closes the door. I go to the kitchen thinking I'll have a cuppa tea and hopefully a nice chat with mum.
"What are you doing that's Cara's cup,  fuck sake Olivia"
"Sorry mum, I thought you made one for me"
"With you not working does that mean I can't get my wages this week? You know you can't live rent free Olivia. With cara here I'll need extra too"
My wages.... my mum doesn't work but she calls my wages hers. She takes half of what I earn In both my jobs. She's addicted to bingo and smoking.  I pay for her bad habits and get treated worse for it.
"Mum I'll have the usual amount but I can't give you more. I'm still paying off the catalog money Cara spent."
My sister used my name to get a catalog and run up a bill of £1200. I was going to get blacklisted if I didn't pay it. I also couldn't say it wasn't me as cara would be done for fraud and I would be homeless.
"You evil bitch your sister is here and you think you can swan around here and not pay. I don't fucking think so.
Grabbing the cup I took from the cupboard she put it back.
"If you can't pay you don't use my things"
"That's my cup my friends at work got me mum"
"Friends at work ha you've got no friends. The milk the tea is mine."
Knowing I can't argue I walk back & wait for the bathroom. My heart hurts. I pay for all the food here, the electric the gas and she spends her money & my wages on gambling & cigarettes.
Cara leaves the bathroom and walks to sit with mum. Her hair dripping as she's just had a shower. Going in I turn the shower on letting the warm water filter through. It doesn't it's cold and it's unpleasant but it's what I've got.
I was in not even 5mins just to wash my hair. Looking in my suitcase I search for my hairdryer. Going into the living room I see my other bag spilled over the floor and hear my hairdryer turned on in my room. Getting dressed I quickly dry off put on my jeans, when I hear the hairdryer stop. I knock at the door asking for my own hairdryer ' yes I am made to beg for my own belongings'
"Cara can I have my hairdryer I need to dry my hair"
Opening the door she throws the dryer at my head. I see flashes and feel dizzy. There's a warm sensation on my head... blood. I'm bleeding and my head is pounding.
"Oh fuck mum, Olivia stood in front when I threw her hairdryer"
"Jesus Christ Olivia it's always something with you"
I lift my jacket and go out. My hair is dripping and it's making the blood look like a horror movie.
I get outside the building feeling the heat. I walk towards the road not caring if I'm hit I want it all to be over. My life is worthless. I'm worthless. Imagining what it would feel like to be hit by a lorry or bus to die to escape.
Green eyes meet mine "Olivia Olivia"
Softly touching my cheek "can you hear me?"
"Sir we need to take her to hospital she's still bleeding badly"
Sleep wins I'm flying high in the sky I'm free
"Olivia stay with me, please Olivia... shit Jack what can I do."
Bright lights voices pain no I'm back no please let me go. That voice those eyes Nathan he's an angel let me go back.
Opening my eyes I see an older man smiling wow what happened. "Olivia can you hear me"
"Yes what happened?"
"That's what I want to know" that deep voice those green eyes wow he's here
"Princess who did this?"

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