Feeling small

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"You Paid" it wasn't a question but a statement.  "Yes, I wanted to make up for being rude and running into you. I was being nice"
"Nice!"  Taking a deep breath he composes himself. Looking me in the eye he stands, holds out his arm to direct me to the door. 'He's mad but why? I feel like a child being told off'
" Has no one paid for your breakfast before" I say trying to break the ice and make conversation.
"No"   'No that's it no more explanation just No'
"Well you're welcome and I am sorry for running into you"
"Are you?"
"Am I what?"
"Sorry for running into me, for looking so ... it doesn't matter"
"So what...Dumb, worthless well I'm not going to apologise for not having the best clothes or the best phone. I work hard for what I do have and I don't need you or anyone...."
before I finish his hand comes around my waist, his other in my hair holding me to him and he's kissing me in the morning sun in front of everyone.
"Don't ever put yourself down I forbid it"
"Forbid it?"
'Grrrrr why one word answers he's so frustrating'
"Ok then why did you kiss me? Pity?"
"No I don't do pity"
"Then why"
"Because I can"
"Huh?... fine it was nice meeting you Nathan... goodbye"
"This isn't goodbye princess... you owe me a date"
"How do I owe you a date?"
Taking my hand in his we walk toward a black shiny car with a man standing holding the door.
"Because you paid for breakfast so ill pay for dinner" looking at his phone he reads then messages back. "Friday 7pm I'll pick you up"
"Sure ok are you going to guess my address or the fact that I might actually be working?"
Smiling he towers over me forcing me to look up. I stand my ground  to give him the impression I'm not intimidated.
"Princess I have all I need to know right here" pointing at his phone he smiles a slow cocky head spinning smile.
"Be ready 7pm sharp"
Smiling I watch him get in his car and drive off.
Walking back towards the arcade I turn up the street that takes me home, I go up the escalator to the roof where I go to think and watch the planes pass.
' wow what a morning sitting back thinking of what just happened it felt like a dream. Good looking men don't just take you for breakfast barely speak then forbid you to think bad of yourself. No 30yr Old I've ever met if that was his age has ever looked or smelt so delicious. That kiss though damn that kiss... I ate breakfast omg he was minty fresh I was oh god no... no no noooooooo
Beep beep "grrrr" taking out my phone I see my mums name. Opening her text
I need you home now!
Groaning I get up to make my way home or hell same thing really.
Opening the door the smell of stale smoke hits me. I hate it but I go through to the 2 bedroom flat, she's in the kitchen in a cloud of smoke. "Whats up mum?"
"Cara has called she needs a place to stay a while, you'll need to clear out your wardrobe to give her space"
"Why how long is she staying?"
Feeling like I've been here before.. which I have.. I know there's no point in arguing or fighting for 'my room'.
"However long she likes" she yells " you always cause trouble with cara you'll need to behave or leave" she spat as she inhaled her cigarette.
I've never caused trouble with cara, my sister slept with my boyfriend 2yrs ago while her husband was in the next room.
"Mum you can't blame me for cara sleeping with my boyfriend"
" you're the reason she's having trouble.. because of you bringing him here"
At this point there's no reasoning with her. Cara has had more peoples boyfriends and husbands than most people have hot dinners. Or so the old saying goes. I never really got it.
Clearing out my wardrobe I pack my stuff in 2 suitcases, clothes, makeup, anything that she can break or take.
Sitting on my bed I think about this morning & can still feel his hands on me. The way he held me, kissed me.. hard but soft leaving me dizzy. Then he was gone. Laying back I wonder what it was he bought. The jewellers was famous for its high prices, Rolex's shone in the window displays. Maybe it was an engagement ring.. he could be having doubts so he kissed a stranger who knocked into him.  Wow lucky girl waking up to those green eyes everyday.
Grrrrrrrrr I'm actually living the dream. 26 living with my mum who's favourite thing is to make my life miserable.
"I'm doing it mum, I'm taking my things out. Where can I leave them?" "In the cupboard with the vacuum, get it out and run it over the carpets"
"I will but I have to go to work at 1pm so I've only got an hour and I need to shower"
"Selfish bastard always about you, it's my shower so if I say you can't use it you can't. Now clean up that kitchen I've a headache coming on"
Taking a deep breath I go start on the kitchen... dishes from her breakfast with ashtrays needing emptied.  The smell makes me heave I hate it. I'm finished vacuuming when I hear the door.
"Oh sweetheart come in, I'll get you tea"
"Thanks mum I just need space. Had Olivia moved her crap from the room?"
"Yes its all sorted.. OLIVIA stick the kettle on, make us tea Cara is home"
"Mum it's 12:45 I need to leave for work. Hi cara"
"You're right mum always about her"
"See I've told you love she's a selfish bitch, not like you love"
"I am here" I say as I pass to use my room well Cara's room to change into my uniform.
"Hey, where do you think you're going? That's my room while I'm here"
" Yes cara I know but I need to change. My uniform is in there."
Storming past me cara goes into my room and pulls out my uniform i had hanging up after ironing it.
"Here now fuck off" cara spits at me.
Going into the bathroom I take deep breaths to stop myself from crying. I've never understood why my mum and sister hate me so much.
I work as a cleaner Monday to Wednesday 1pm-10pm from Thursday to Sunday I work as pastry chef in a country hotel 10am-10pm which normally finishes around 11pm. I'm totally living the dream.
This weekend is my first weekend off in months. I was looking forward to it until my sister showed up.

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