The Next Morning

330 11 0

June 12th, 2020

7:05 AM

You opened your eyes slowly, the light from your window greeting you. You shielded your eyes and whined tiredly from the unexpected light that you usually kept out with your curtains that Belphie took down. You turned towards Belphie and hit his chest without much of a punch behind it. Your fist slammed into his chest somewhat hard, but mostly gentle all because you weren't awake enough to beat him up for taking your curtains down. You sighed and buried your face into his chest to keep the light out of your eyes.

You laid there for minutes with a sleeping Belphie beside you. You tossed and turned as the time went by trying to motivate yourself to get up, but you just were so lazy. Was there some spell that Belphie put on you? Was it some spell that makes you sloth-like just like him? You sighed, not understanding why you were acting the way you were. Getting out of bed and onto your feet wasn't much of a problem before, but now it was. You tried over and over again to convince yourself to get up, but you gave up and just closed your eyes.

"Damn it," you mumbled under your breath.

"Mmhmm," someone hummed out, slightly startling you.

You blinked curiously and looked back seeing Belphie. His eyes fluttered open suddenly and you rolled over to face him. You reached your hand out and rested it on his forehead at a tilt, protecting his eyes from the light coming from the window.

"Huh..? Why are you doing that with your hand," Belphie yawned out.

"Because someone took my curtains down," you responded.

"You didn't put them back up? Why?"

"Uh, have you seen me? I'm not as tall as you, you know."

"Haha," Belphie laughed, slowly getting up and out of your bed. "I forgot you're tiny."

"Tiny? Okay I said I wasn't tall, but I didn't say I was tiny," you shot up suddenly, hopping out of your bed. You looked down at your feet that hit the floor as you got up realizing that Belphie just got you to get out of bed without any problems. You crossed your arms and huffed while looking at Belphie. "I'm not tiny. I'm medium-sized, alright?"

"Mmhm," Belphie hummed as he moved towards you.

He put his hand to his forehead and moved it outwards in a straight line proving that there's definitely a big height difference between you and him. You hit his chest lightly and he hugged you, laughing at your sudden anger.

"Okay," Belphie said. "It's too early to be hitting me. I'll go put your curtains back up, alright?"

Belphie let you go and walked over to the basket your curtains sat in. He grabbed them and straightened them out as he walked over to your window. A few seconds later, the light coming in from your window faded away as your curtain was pulled over it.

"There," Belphie yawned as he turned around to look at you. "You happy?"

"Maybe," you replied. You reached up to rub the last bit of tiredness out of your eyes, but as you reached up, your hand grazed the sensitive and bruised spot where Levi's controller hit you the night before.

"Ow," you whined, placing your hand over the spot lightly.

"Huh? Oh," Belphie walked over to you and grabbed the bandages that sat on your nightstand. He held it out to you, waiting for you to grab it. "We forgot to put a bandage over that last night. Sorry."

"Don't worry about it," you said as you grabbed it.

You walked away from him and headed into your bathroom. You took the bandages and tore out a square that's big enough to cover what Levi's controller left on your body. You held it up to your face and wandered out of your bathroom back into your room, realizing you were missing something.

"That was quick," Belphie said.

"I'm not exactly done yet," you sighed as you headed over to your desk. Everything that was neat and tidy on your desk became scattered as you looked for tape. It probably wasn't the best thing for you to use, but it would at least keep it secure. You eventually found it and tore some tape off, securing the bandage in place.

"Ta-da... I guess? Ugh," you groaned as you plopped yourself down in your desk's chair. "Everybody is going to be asking questions about this."

"So? It's none of their business," Belphie crossed his arms. "They don't need to know."

"But I know that some of you guys are overprotective. That's why I'm worried."

"Again," Belphie stated. "They don't need to know. It's none of their business. My brothers know better than to pressure someone for answers to things they don't need to know.. well, I hope so. Mammon's the one who most likely will lose his shit if he finds out what happened, but he doesn't need to know either."

"Alright," you nodded. "I won't tell them anything."

"That's the way it should be," he smiled. "Now that I've put your curtains up and everything, I got to go find Beel. He gets worried when he can't find me and sometimes I don't know why he does, but I'm going to go find him."

Belphie wandered over to your door and opened it getting ready to head out, but he didn't. He lingered there for a few seconds and then he looked over his shoulder.

"I'm sure Beel would be happy to see you," Belphie called out to you. "You can come along with me if you want. You don't have to but-"

"I'd be happy to," you gave him a nod that was followed by a small smile and got up out of your chair.

Belphie gave a small shrug and headed out of your room. While following behind him, you couldn't help but worry about the looks the boys will give you when they notice the bandage on your face. You didn't like to draw attention to yourself and this bandage totally would draw eyes onto you. As Belphie said, they don't have to know. It was somewhat hard to stick to that mindset, but you eventually went with it. 

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