What Is It That You Want?

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Diavolo sighed and ran his fingers through his hair while thinking of what he has done. You watched him and wondered what he was going to say and do next curiously. He looked at you suddenly and you looked away quickly, pretending like he's totally not having a mental breakdown in front of you. You didn't want to embarrass him, so out of respect, you just kept your eyes on the floor and acted as if nothing was happening.

Minutes and minutes pass by while you and Diavolo stood in this room together all alone. There was a depressing silence all around and not him or you dared to speak even though you both felt like you had to. You sighed as you thought about what Lucifer said. "This isn't Y/N's home, so send them back. I don't care anymore," you recited in your head over and over again. Your heart threatened to break, but you forced yourself to keep it together. You can't miss them, you reminded yourself. You must let them go. You looked up at Diavolo suddenly, your eyes threatening to flood with tears.

"S-So," you stuttered out. "You're going to send me back.."

"...I-" Diavolo hesitated. "..I don't think I want to make that choice anymore, Y/N.."

"What..? Why," you asked. "I don't get it.."

"Y/N," Diavolo explained. "It's clear that all of the boys love you. I think that sending you back might hurt them in the long run. Now I'm not saying you can't leave and go back home, but if you want to, I won't be upset with your decision. Listen Y/N and listen well.

What is it that you want..?"

You stood there for a moment a bit shocked that he would let you have a say in this all. You felt a bit guilty because of the drama that happened not so long ago in this room. This was a fight about you and you are now being asked to make an important decision. You thought and thought to yourself as you went over the choices you have. You looked at Diavolo after thinking for a few minutes and began to speak.

"I feel that I am happier here more than I am in the human world. I have everyone I want and need here. I want to stay," you said.

"I understand," Diavolo smiled slightly. "This might be a better option. I hope you didn't feel forced into coming up with that answer."

"No," you smiled. "Of course not. You gave me the choices to either stay and be with the boys I love or go home to where I'm meant to be. If you didn't give me these choices and just sent me back, the boys wouldn't be the only ones hurting. I would be, too."

Diavolo sighed and looked at you. It was just in his nature to follow his own rules of the exchange program. It's mandatory to send all exchange students back to where they belong, but for you and the boys, he broke his own rules. Sure, it was wrong, but he felt that it was right in this moment and he didn't regret it.

"That's true," Diavolo nodded. "Well, I'm sure the boys will be happy when you return home."

"I sure hope so. What if they're angry with me," you worried.

"I'm sure they won't be," Diavolo assured you. "They- huh?"

Diavolo suddenly heard the midnight bell go off as the clock hit 12. He looked at the clock confused and he started to wonder how long you two have been in this room for. He looked back at you seeing you yawn out of exhaustion.

"Well," Diavolo said. "Time flies, I guess. I think we should get you home."

"Good idea," you yawned and turned around, heading for the door.

"Would it be okay if I walked you home," Diavolo called out after you. "I-I know that sounds weird, but I feel that you would be safer if I did.. Ah jeez. You know what? Forget I said that. I'm sure you'll be okay on your own. Have a nice evening, Y/N"

"Ah," you nodded. "Alright. See you later, I guess."

Both you and Diavolo parted ways, him heading out another door that led out of the student council room. You walked over to the door you came through because it led out to the closest exit, but you stopped and looked back at one of the chairs where one of the boys sat. On the chair laid a white and tan jacket that someone left behind. You frowned and walked over to it clutching it in your hands, running your fingers over the nice leather. You then pulled it over your body and left the room, heading towards the nearest exit. 

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