{2} classes

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Ton thought the name Jimmy was høt. She thought it was just 😳😳😳
Jimmy pulled out his schedule. "What classes do you have?" Jîmmy asked. He walked over to her and grabbed her by her TÎÑY shoulders. Ton looked down at her schedule and looked back up. "Mâth." She spoke simply. "OWO." She finished. Jimmy stood silently before perking up. "Me too, we could walk together." He suggested with a blush on his face. Ton looked up at Jimmy and nodded, also blushing. "That sounds great Jimmy, UwU." She gîggléd. Jimmy gestured for the brunette to follow him.

Ton nodded and walked with the bîg bûff mâñ. She waddled behind him as others started to stare at the two. He walked over to Shrek and Carl, who were beating the fuck out of their lockers. Carl looked over at Ton, his body was even more bûff than Jimmy's was. Shrek was buffer than Jimmy and Carl combined. "Oi, Jimmy, who may this be?" Shrek asked as he shoved døñky into his locker and closing it. Carl pulled a croissant out of his pocket and started to âggréssîvly eat it while looking Ton up and down. "She's kinda cute." He mumbled to himself.

Ton only blushed more once Carl started to stare at her. It was kinda crêépy. "Shrek, Carl, this is Ton. The new girl. She has math for her first class like we do." Jimmy stated as he pulled Ton to his side. "We're going to walk her to class." He hummed. Carl gave a nod, he did not have any problems with this. Neither did Shrek. "Sounds good, we should get going before the bel-" Shrek was cut off by the bell ringing, signaling that they are now late. Carl sighed out and rolled his eyes.

"We're late."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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