Nelson, The Ghost

Start from the beginning

"No." said Nelson, the ghost, with reproachful expression.  "We call her The Death Lily, for that is what she is.  As far as us lost souls are concerned she is a Goddess."

I blinked a moment and gave a small bob of my head.  "Oh, yes, that I know.  My Oma is a Goddess.   Are you here to see her?  I thought ghosts couldn't get in unless she wanted them in?"

Suddenly I was alarmed.  How did he get past my Oma's protections?  I took a step backward, retreating a step up the stairs.  His ghostly features twisted for a brief moment but he raised his hands, palms up.  I saw him layered over himself.  His see through palms showed the outlines of his chest, and through that I could see the front door.  It was a little bit dizzying looking at him.

"I am not here to hurt you, Miss." said Nelson with another soothing gesture of his hands.  "I am allowed into the Goddesses domain.  I am one of her Jungiro.  I am surprised you do not know more.  You are the Enkilin, are you not?"

"Enkilin?" I blinked at him.  I puzzled over the word for a moment and asked, "Enkelkind?  Grandchild?"

"Yes.  Are The Death Lily's Enkilin.  We are supposed to protect you at all times." said Nelson, his hands going into his pockets once more.  He took a step toward me and peered at me intently.  "Why don't you know more?  Why has she not taught you?"

I laughed at his words and said, "My Oma believes that I have the find out things like this on my own.  Same with my Baba."

"Aah." said Nelson and he gave a small nod of his head.  "Yes.  I remember now.  She was like that with me.  Do you-"

He started flickering suddenly.  I blinked and he was gone.  I blinked again and he was back.

"-The Death Lily?"  He was asking me something, but he blinked out of existence once more.

I rubbed at my eyes and looked around the room.  Where had he gone?  Was he still standing there and I just couldn't see him?  I took a step forward and for a brief moment felt a chill sweep through me.  I gasped and stepped back.  Yup, he was still there and I just couldn't see him anymore.

"Um." I said, staring at the space where he had been before.  "I can't really see you.  I don't know if you can still hear me.  I don't really know how this works, but uh.  Nelson it was nice meeting you, but I'm going to get a drink and go back to bed.  Sorry to just, uh, leave but I can't see you anymore."

I stood there for a moment or two, feeling stupid.  I was talking to a ghost that I couldn't see anymore.  I puffed out a breath and shook my head.  I turned and started walking toward the kitchen.  I felt a cold breeze just to my left.  The coldness walked with me and I looked to the side.  I still couldn't see Nelson, but I was sure he was there.

I squinted and asked of the empty air, "Wait?  You said you had to protect me at all times?  Why?"

Of course there was no answer.  Or there might have been one and I just couldn't hear it.  I heaved out a sigh and reached up and rubbed my eyes once more.  I turned and looked at the spot to my left that was cold.  I narrowed my eyes as much as I could, trying to see him once more.  I felt something clench in my chest.  Like a muscle I wasn't aware I had suddenly flexing.  For a brief moment I saw a flicker of blue once more.

"..Lily has enemies." I heard Nelson's voice, but it faded away as fast as I caught it again.

Excitement ran through my blood stream and I wanted to do it again.  I tried to find that muscle I had just flexed, but instead of seeing any blue flickering I got black dots floating in front of me.  I suddenly felt dizzy, and tiredness swamped me.  I slumped against the wall and puffed out another breath.

"Alright." I said to myself, "Water and then I am going back to bed."

I padded my way into the kitchen.  The cold followed me.  I made it as far as the dining table before I needed to sit down.  I flopped into and wrapped the blanket tighter around me.  The coldness left my side.  I heard the sound of glasses tickling against themselves a moment later.

I looked up to see a clear glass floating from the cabinet now to the faucet.  The tap started running a moment later, and the glass dipped underneath it.  The water shut off and then came in my direction.  It landed with a soft clink on the tabletop.  I smiled softly and reached out for it.  The water freezing cold and delicious because of it when I took a long drink.  The cold water eased some of the pain and dizziness, made me feel a little bit better.

"Thanks." I said with a small smile.  I took another long drink before saying, "I, um, tried to see you and managed for a moment.  But when I tried to do it again it hurt.  Maybe after I sleep I can try again, and see you.  Uh, tomorrow?  I'll try after I come home from school.  Okay?"

There was silence in the kitchen.  Or at least as far as I knew there was silence in the kitchen.  The ghost could be talking to me and I just couldn't hear him.  I shook a small shake of my head and stood up.  I wasn't as dizzy now, but I was exhausted.   I stumbled through the house and back to my bedroom.

I'd talk to my Oma or my Baba about it tomorrow.

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