I wipe a fake tear away from my eye and try to calm down from laughing. 

"Well I'm going to take the long way home, just to make him more mad. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I shout and wave back to my friend group as I turn down a different street. 

"Bye Evie!" "Bye Evelyn!" "See ya!" "Hope your not grounded for too long!" 

"Bye guys!" I shout back before turning my head away. 

I wasn't supposed to be walking home by myself. Happy was supposed to pick me up from school everyday. But I hate getting picked up from school in a limo. 

Don't get me wrong, I think Happy is a great guy, I just can't stand it anymore. So sometimes I'll tell him that I'm staying after school, and then I just walk home. 

I have a feeling that I'm not going to be able to walk home from school anymore after today. 

I let out a sigh and kick a rock down the sidewalk as I take the long way back home. It's another beautiful, sunny, hot Malibu day. Just like the last. 

Don't get me wrong, I love Malibu. But my dad gets to go on business trips everywhere and travels around the world. He could probably make a trip around the globe in his Iron Man suit and still be home in time for dinner. 

All while I'm stuck here. I get too antsy too quickly. I'm probably too much like my dad in that way. 

Just as I'm nearing the edge of the city, I feel a pair of hands grab my stomach. 

Before I can turn to see who's grabbing me or before I even have the chance to scream, another hand has gone around my mouth and I'm lifted off the ground and thrown over a man's shoulder. 

A few seconds later, I'm thrown into the open trunk of a car. I land with a thud and I groan. I look up to see two men staring down at me. They are both very tall. One is white with bleach blonde hair and tattoos covering his entire arm. Another is a bald Latino male who also has a ton of tattoos. 

"Who the hell are you guys! Let me go!" I scream, but they just continue to stare at me and laugh. 

Then, the blonde grabs my hands and begins to tie them, while the other one duct tapes my mouth closed.  The blonde ties both my hands and my feet before standing back up. I look out of the car one more time before they slam the trunk down and it's all dark. 

*    *    *

"You idiot! That's Tony Stark's kid!" 

I'm awakened by the sound of voices. I try to move my body but as I wiggle around, I realize my hands and feet are still tied, and my mouth is still taped shut. I am also very stiff from sleeping in the trunk of a car. 

I open my eyes and see that the trunk is open, and there are four men above me now. Two are the same ones from earlier, the other two are shorter and look more like scientists or doctors than jailbirds. 

"So?" one of the men from earlier says. It's too dark out to see which one is which. 

"So? SO?! The media is going to be all over this one! There will be a full on investigation into this. Probably with Shield, the CIA, and the FBI! I don't think you know what you've gotten us into! All of Hydra's operations could be destroyed!" One of the scientists shouts at the man. 

"Well then we send her somewhere else where they won't be able to track her, like a base in Siberia or something." The other stupid meanie says. 

They're right. They aren't going to get very far with me. My dad's gonna find me. 

A Heart on Fire // TonyStarksDaughterWhere stories live. Discover now