SuA's pov.

-Where I am..- I asked myself

I was next to the street. I felt a big pain everywhere. I took my phone and saw blood on my face.

-Did he do it again?- I felt my heart started beating faster. I don't remember last hours, but I know that I got a hit from somebody ,and then I fell on the ground.

-Where should I go? Should I go to... no I can't go to Siyeon... But... I have nobody... I'm alone. And she has a good heart... She won't leave me... 

Why Am I so sure?

Okay I'll try, I made a wrong decidions I don't know why I left her... I feel so bad... but this time not about me but somebody...

I  knocked to her doors..

-Who is it?


I heard a louder steps and finally the doors were open


-Can I come?

-Sure, come here

I entered to her house and sat on the sofa

-So tell me what happened..

I told her about what I remembered

-Oh my God, I'm gonna kill him...



-I'm sorry. I don't know why I reacted in that way. I'm so confused. You know... I didn't have a person who cared about me...

-SuA.. that's okay, but please control yourself

-I'll try



She hugged me. Again I felt something what I didn't before. I was kinda happy but I didn't show it. 

-Let me look at you.....

After putting some bandages on me, she stand up

-Do you wanna play a game or do something?

-Mmmm let's dance

-Ohh haha I won't dance, and you either. You are hurt

-I  can, and you'll be singing

-Okay, I can do it

Siyeon's pov.

I was focusing on Sua's movements.. She was so damn hot. She is perfect. And her body.. Ahhh what am I thinking about?

- And how was it?- She asked

-That was..umm.. you were... good!

-Good? okay...-

-I mean.. PERFECT! you really did!

-haha okay okay. Do you wanna dance something for me?

-No, no I can't dance

-So do you wanna see a cold SuA?

-What the heck!


-Okay I'll dance.. but don't laugh at me.. I really can't do that

-Sure sure haha

I started dancing and I wasn't feeling good.. I cant do that fluently like her... But I was so focused and then I felt that someone holds my hands

-You have to do it higher, let me do it with you


She showed me how to do it perfectly. Wow such a talented girl...

-Did you get it?

-Yes! You are so good in this buisness

-Thank you haha. I have a competition on Saturday. Wanna come?

-Can I?

-Sure. I have never brought somebody, because people hate me and my dance

-I love your dance!

-And me?


-Oh I'm kidding. Just come

-Okay, I'd love to

-Cool Singnie, so go sleep now!

Singnie? My new nickname.. That's so sweet

And then we thought that It's gonna be okay...


I know that maybe It's not the most interesting chapter  ever, but I hope that you still enjoy it <3 

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