"They have the Arkenstone!"


"How came you by the signet of our house?" The dwarves on the battlements shouted. Luin watched and Kili and Fili screamed at the elves, faces blinded by fury. Thorin remained eerily quiet.

"The stone belongs to the king!"

"And the king may have it", Bard replied. Tossed the stone from hand to hand in a relaxed manner, as if it was a ball. He held all the cards and he knew it. "With our good will and the honour of our bargain". He tucked the stone back into his coat.

Thorin turned and muttered something to his companions. Luin failed to catch the hushed words. "The Arkenstone is in this mountain!" He stated furiously. "This is a trick!"

Luin was unsure what happened next. The wind had picked up, drowning the voices below. He could only watch as Bilbo stepped towards Thorin. The little hobbit was saying something and Thorin was responding violently. Luin gasped as Thorin grabbed Bilbo by the neck and began hauling him towards the edge. He dropped out of the clouds, plunging through the air to intervene.

"If you don't like my bugler!" Gandalf's voice echoed off of the cliffs as he emerged out of the ranks of elves. "Then give him back to me. Don't harm him". Luin drifted to circle the air above the gate, watching as Thorin paused.

"Thorin", Luin warned in a cold voice. "Allow Bilbo to come with me. Don't kill him". Thorin didn't move. His eyes held a manic glint. A consuming greed and bitterness that wasn't there before. It saddened Luin.

"You're not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain", Gandalf remarked, stepping closer. "Thorin son of Thrain". The name and title must have triggered something. Thorin released his hold on Bilbo and the hobbit scuttled back. Nori helped Bilbo climb up onto the wall where Luin was waiting. Luin helped the hobbit onto his sword behind him before he faced Thorin again. He gave Nori a thankful smile as the blade descended to the ground below. They landed smoothly before Gandalf. Luin and Bilbo unharmed. Thorin glaring hatefully from the battlements above as the two dismounted and stood next to the two kings.

"Never again will I have dealings with Wizards, Out-worlders, elf-scum or shire rats!" Luin gazed up as Thorin spat curses. The term out-worlder stung. Thorin may have been unkind to him before, but he had never referred to him as something so different. The way he said it made it could like Luin was something evil.

"Are we resolved?" Bard interrupted. Thorin turned his attention back to the two kings on horseback. "The Arkenstone for what we were promised?" The dwarf didn't reply. He turned his head east towards the setting sun. Luin furrowed his brow. Thorin seemed to be looking for something, almost as if he was waiting.

"Why should is give back what is rightfully mine?" Thorin was pacing along the battlements like a antsy cat.

Thranduil was growing bored of this. He turned to Bard with a evil grin. "Keep the stone, sell it. Ecthelion of Gondor will give you a good price for it". His words loud enough for the dwarves to hear. Trying to gain a reaction out of Thorin.

"I will kill you! By my oath I will kill you all!" The others had to hold Thorin back as he threw himself at the wall.

"Your oath means nothing! I have heard enough". Thranduil gave the company a cold glance as he turned his elk around. They no longer trusted Thorin's words. From what he had just seen, Luin wasn't sure if he could either.

Gandalf stepped forwards, voice beseeching. "Thorin. Lay down your arms, open these doors. This treasure will be your death".

"Thorin", Balin said softly. Luin listened as the older dwarf turned to his king. "We cannot win this fight". The looks on the other's faces agreed with Balin. They were tired and outnumbered. It would be a slaughter.

"Sickness has warped your mind Thorin!" Luin called up. Thorin's gaze flicked down at his face for a moment, before spanning over the eastern horizon again.

"Give us your answer! Will you have peace or war?" Bard asked for a final time.

Thorin turned back to them with a viciously steely grin. "I will have war".

Noises echoed over the mountains as figures appeared over the eastern hills. Luin now knew what Thorin was waiting for. He had called in reinforcements. The dwarf army marched down the slope, halting in full sight of those below. A mass of heavy steel and long beards. Behind their lines, were several weird looking war machines. Thranduil had kicked his elk into a gallop. Orders echoed as the elvish army turned to face the dwarf opponents.

"Iron foot", Gandalf breathed. Luin swore and mounted his sword. He unsheathed his second one and held it in his hands as he glided up into the air. He circled the two armies, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

"Hey Thorin!" A short dwarf at the front of the army shouted. He was atop a wild boar and clothed heavily in thick armour. His tone seemed cheerful but it was known that it could change at any minute. Luin recognised him as Dain, lord of the iron hills and Thorin's cousin. The red beard bright in its signature. He had met him during past travels. Out of the two, Thorin was actually the more reasonable one. This did not bode well.

"Good morning!" Dain called cheerfully. Luin tensed. When the dwarf was this happy, it was a bad sign. "How are we all? I have a wee proposition for ya if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider... just sodding off! All of you! Right now!" Despite himself, Luin snorted at the insult. His sense of humour really had bad timings. Dain's suddenly violent tone scared a few of the men from lake town. They huddled defensively.

"Come now!" Gandalf replied, calling over the hill. "Lord Dain".

"Gandalf the grey", Dain said. He raised his head to look at Luin in the sky. For a moment, Luin though that maybe they could reason with him. "And Luin the blue. Tell this robber to leave or I'll water the ground with their blood!" Ah, no. Reasoning was not going to happen.

"There is not need for war between dwarves, men and elves", Gandalf tried.

"I will not stand down for any Elf!" Dain roared. "Not least this faithless woodland sprite!" He gestured with his hammer at Thranduil. The king grinned challengingly, as if daring him closer. "He wishes nothin but ill upon my people. If he chooses to stand between me and my kin, I'll split his pretty head open. See if he's still smirking then!" . With that image, Dain turned his swine around and began riding up and own his lines.

"Let them advance", Thranduil remarked. "See how far they get". The king was still smirking maliciously. Luin wished that for once, the elf would have some common sense and a little less arrogance.

"You think I give a dead dog for your threats?" Dain bellowed. "You pointy eared princess! You hear that lads! Let's give these bastards a good beating!" The dwarf army roared a reply. Scratch that, Luin wished that all kings had more common sense and less arrogance. Why were people so petty?

AN: Hey guys. I know that some of Luin's powers and character are inspired by The untamed. But a lot of this is inspired by other books as well. Only the silencing spell is something directly from MDZS and The untamed. Many cultivation fantasy books use music spells and guqin's. Luin is a mismatch of many different cultivation references.
He is my own original character so please stop saying he's like Lan Wangji or just like the Untamed. He is not so please stop. I have done my research and am not sticking to one style of cultivation.
Luin is my own original character, including his magic and his cultivation.

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