Blood Must Have Blood ~ Clexa

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Clarke was late. Simple as that. She was late.

She had stayed at Polis too long, not realising that the sun had start to set. Her mother, Abby, wanted her home before dark. So here she was sprinting to the stables to ask Jayson to borrow one of the horses, she promised to feed and return him by Tuesday, when she was next due for a meeting at Polis. He said no, but he would give her a ride back to the drop ship. So, they started on the 3-hour trip home. When she arrived at the gate Bellamy immediately shot from his tent and rushed to Clarke, just as Jayson was helping her from the horse.

"Where the hell have you been?" Bellamy howled at her, making her flinch slightly. Jayson immediately stood to attention, he had orders to make sure the Wanheda was safe, his hand went straight to his sword on his hip. Noticing this, Clarke nodded at him to ensure she was okay. Bellamy looked at him with disgust in his face. "You can leave now grounder," he spat making Jayson growl.

"It's okay Jayson, I'll be okay, I'll see you on Tuesday." Clarke said turning to the well-built warrior who simply nodded and bowed his head.

"Yes Wanheda, Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim." (May we meet again) He stated and waited till Clarke returned the phase before straddling the horse again and started moving to the gate, the gate was suddenly slammed behind him. He waited; something wasn't sitting right with me. He dismounted his horse and walked slightly round the area to see and hear them clearer. He noticed that a few people had crowded around Clarke.

"You know their gibberish now?" Bellamy asked frowning.

"It's not gibberish, it's the language the Trikru speak." Clarke explained and Jayson smiled, she was becoming some of them.

"You're a traitor, why are you hear this late?" Bellamy accused. Your mother is worried sick about you." He stated just as a woman emerged from the ship.

"Clarke Griffin! What time do you call this?" Jayson assumed this was Abby, Clarke's mother. This time Clarke really flinched.

"Jayson!" a whispered voice hissed behind him, making him jump and reach for his sword, however he noticed who it was.

"Octavia." He greeted.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Something doesn't feel right, Clarke keeps flinching when that jerk or her mother talks to her." He explained and watched the colour drain from her face. "What?"

"Is Clarke in the compound now?" she rushed out, when he nodded she rushed out "You need to listen to me okay, you need to go and get the commander, tell her something bad is about to happen to Clarke." When he didn't move "Now!" she hissed and off he went, galloping into the woods as fast as he could, the 3-hour trip only took 1 hour. "Fuck, what to do?" Octavia asked herself. She straightened herself and walked to the gates and demanded Jasper to open them.

"Baby!" a smile spread across Octavia's face.

"Raven," she breathed and was immediately crushed into a hug by the brunette. She kissed her girlfriend and instantly noticed that she had the crowd's attention. "What?" she asked with Raven still attached to her, they hadn't seen each other in around a week now.

"What are you doing here?" Bellamy spat. Making Octavia laugh and Raven growl.

"Speak up Belomi," Octavia spoke making him scowl and Raven laugh.

"You heard me Octavia, you are not welcome here." He hissed and a few people called out agreeing to him.

"Tough," she shrugged. She had 2 hours to protect Clarke, Raven and herself. Ever since the mountain the Skaikru has hated the 'grounders' as they call them. The Trikru helped the Skaikru escape the mountain and Lexa helped Clarke to destroy the ice nation. Clarke had been staying at Polis for 3 months now and the Skaikru hated that fact. Bellamy had taken over leadership of the Skaikru and ordered his people to attack the Trikru, sending dead bodies to the gates of Polis. He even wiped out a village. He just trying to start a war with the wrong commander. Clarke was always trying to calm the commander down to stop her from killing the Skaikru. Ever since the day they landed, Bellamy was always horrible to Clarke. It wasn't until 2 months after being on the ground, when Abby arrived, Octavia realised why.

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