Chapter 01: Obviously Different

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"I want'd ta ask if ya had any more of that stuff ya gave me earlier" I asked with fake friendliness. "" he said, handing me another can of the poisoned drink.

The group from before watched as I opened it and tipped it back. I wanted to scrunch my nose at the bitter taste of the poison but didn't.

I looked at Tonpa in fake surpise and glanced down meaningfuly at the can he held in his hand. "Aren't ya thirsty? why don't ya drink some too" I said, and couldn't keep the grin on my face from widening further as he shifted uncomfortably.

"Uh...I'm fine, I'm not really that thirsty" he said, starting to persperate. "Don't be shy, ya can't not be ah bit thirsty after watchin' other people have a drink right in'front of ya" I said cheerfuly, enjoying this way to much.

He really started to sweat as I suddenly dropped the fake friendly aura and gave him the evil eye, still grinning. "Or could it be this juice ain't right? and ya were about to give these nice people somethin' that wouldn't agree with their stomachs?".

"I-I wasn't! I'm just really not thirsty right now..." Tonpa said. I sneezed "Ah, I'm sorry, but I'm alergic to bullshit, anyway, I'm sure they're curious now, so why don't ya take a sip just ta ease their minds hm?" I said waving the can of juice I held back and fourth, sloshing its contents.

Tonpa backed up a step. "You know I just remembered something I had to do!" he said, turned and walked away. "Unno...hello?" I heard behind me. I turned my head and saw Spiky, It, and the guy with a suit case looking at me funny.

I grinned again and turned all the way around and extened my hand. "Hi there, my name is Yugure" I said, tilting my head up so they could see the upper half of my face completely.

"I'm Gon!" Spiky said, shaking my hand and giving me a close-eyed smile. I stared at him for a minute. Then spontaniously hugged him. "W-what are you doing!" suit case guy spluttered.

I stared blankly at him then blinked down at Gon who I was currently hugging so tight he couldn't breath. I let him go and stepped back, scrathing the back of my head.

"Ah, sorry 'bout that, it's just I can't resist huggin' cute things, and this little fella is adorable" I said, placing a hand on Gon's spiky haired head. "You're like someone's older sister..." Leorio muttered, I laughed at that.

"I see, I am Kurapika, nice to meet you" It said. The guy with a suit case, refusing to be left out promptly introduced himself "My names Leorio". I bowed "It's ah pleasure ta meet ya'all" I said politely.

"The way you talk is kinda weird" Gon said with a grin. I laughed "Is that so? beg yur pardon, I'm not all that fluent in this language yet" I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Really? did you speak something else before this?" Gon asked, tilting his head. 'Damn it! I let something slip!' I mentally slapped myself.

"A-ah...I did, I actaully live close by but came 'ere for the exam. Let's just say meh family doesn't really come in contact with people that 'ften" I said.

"Where do you come from Yugure?" Gon asked. I smiled and patted his head "It's fine, don be so formal, just call me Yu, that's what mah family calls meh" I said.

"But Yu sounds like a girl's name, how about Yugu? It's more masculine" Leorio said. I anime-fell at that 'Do I really look that much like ah guy?'. I sighed "It's no problem really, since I am one" I said.

They gave me blank looks and I put a hand to my face. It appeared I'd have to be more strait forward. "I'm ah girl" I said, pointing to myself with my thumb.

Three blinks later my announcment was met with a "Eh!". They had little time for surprise as we heard a scream.

From the direction it came from I didn't even have to look to know who caused it. I did turn just to see and saw the clown guys standing infront of some other guy who was on his knees, his arms slowly turning to flowers as they dissapeared.

I was entranced, having never seen anything like that before. (No really, they never explain how the hades Hisoka did that...).

It ended and I sighed, disappointed. The creepy clown still made me want to avoid him, but that little trick had upped his standing in my book.

A bell went off, interrupting my thoughts. The back wall of the giant hall we were in rose, revealing an equally giant tunnel. I whistled and my eyes landed on a strange purple haired guy with really long legs standing in the middle of the long hall.

I'm lazy so I'm just gonna say that in short he told us to follow him down said long, dark hallway. I didn't mind, after all, the third advantage of being non human: inhuman stamina.

I turned to Gon and grinned "Lets go!" I said, pointing forward dramatically as we started to run. Gon laughed and I smiled, yanking on my hood to make sure it would stay in place over my ears, and so the first phase of the hunter exam began.



We hope you liked it and will offer your opinion to us, farewell dear demons and readers alike, till next time! *bows*

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