Chapter 01: Obviously Different

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-Yugure's POV-

I pulled the hood of my hoodie down further, wanting to make absolutely sure my ears weren't showing.

There wasn't a whole lot I could do about my orange eyes and face markings but I had wrapped my tail around my waist and it was tucked under the sweaters lower half.

My ears were rather uncomfortably bound against my head with a head band to keep them from making my hood stick up.

I wore plain shorts and a tank top under said hoodie. Given that my hair was tied back, my plain features, my un-feminine way of speaking plus a non squeaky voice, lean build and small nearly non existent bust, I could have been mistaken for a guy. Heck even my name was interchangeable between genders.

Which I had nooooo problem with, because for some reason people tended to underestimate girls. I hated being underestimated.

I sighed and took a sip from the poison drink one "Tonpa" fellow had given me. Being half animal came in handy sometimes. Being a non human and all ment my immunity system worked different and some poisons didn't even work in the first place.

I grinned slightly as I thought about how proud that fraud must feel thinking he fooled some "naive" rookie. I finished the can and crumpled it in my hand.

Second advantage of being non human: inhuman strength. Honestly why do humans even want to be human? They think they're sooo great because they think they're more intelligent than other species.

Ha! The youngest child in my clan could probably outsmart a human no problem. I mean one guy stumbles upon our clan in the Numere Wetlands or Swindlers Swamp and thinks he get to name us cause he found us.

They even called us "magical beasts" without our permission! I sighed, one of the reasons I wanted to become a Hunter was because I heard they were stronger than most humans and I wanted to check that for myself.

I looked around the room, noting certain people who smelled different...literally. There was a clown man who gave me the shivers, a white haired boy who looked around my age, a ninja guy, and a few others.

The elevator door opened and a kid with spiky hair... I think that defies gravity here, a guy with a suit case, and a...It. Androgynous alert...I could not for the life of me figure out what what gender It was.

The kid seemed interesting, he also looked around my age and he had a self assured air about him, as well as a naturally athletic build. I figured even though he was one of the youngest and most innocent looking person here he would do fine.

I filed all this away, thinking I wouldn't mind fighting him. I saw Tonpa walk up to the three and offer them juice, I got up and started towards them. 'What am I doing?' I asked myself as I put a hand on Tonpa's shoulder.

'No really why am I helping them?' I kept asking myself, my legs had just taken me over without permission. 'Well now that I'm here I might as well mess with this guy'. "Oi, Tonpa-san" I said, stressing the san.

"What're ya doin' eh?" I said, my hood shadowing my eyes so all you could see was the lower half of my face. I grinned, showing off my pointy feline teeth.

What I didn't know at the time was that a light somewhere was reflecting my eye, making its orange color glow from the depths of my hood, making my appearance much more unsettling than I had intended.

Tonpa looked unnerved. "Um...oh! aren't you the one from earlier!" he said in surprise. "Yeah, I was just walkin' past and I saw ya talkin' to these guys" I said, waving a hand at Spiky and the others.

Never The Same (Hunter X Hunter fanfic) [HIATUS]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz