The father apologizes and says that they were in the wrong for suddenly running into the street. He says that they've left a heavy misfortunate burden on the driver. He and his son bow to the driver in apology, and the driver apologizes and thanks them. When the father hangs up, he says that his heart feels lighter and thanks Man-wol for the service.

Man-wol looks affected by the father's gracious forgiveness, and Chan-sung suggests that they stop here for today. But Man-wol insists that they finish their list, since they only have a few guests remaining. Chan-sung smiles at Man-wol's growing sympathy.

Our resident hotel staff look at the blossomed flowers from the ancient tree, and Hyun-joong tries to assure Seo-hee and Bartender Kim with the possibility that these flowers could stay for a while. But Seo-hee knows that Mago wants to send Man-wol on her way — these blossoming flowers will meet their end. Bartender Kim says that they should be prepared to cross over, since it looks like Man-wol will be leaving soon.

After connecting all of the guests to the dream service, Man-wol walks out limp in exhaustion. The sessions have drained her, and Chan-sung has just the solution to reenergize her – the famous rice cake soup place that Man-wol has failed to enter due to the long lines. He has an in through a Harvard colleague, and he made a reservation for the whole place that night.

Excited for this outing, Man-wol runs back to prepare the right look for this rice cake soup restaurant. In his office, Chan-sung momentarily contemplates changing into the tiger print suit, but he ultimately decides against it.

At the restaurant, Man-wol takes pictures of the soup and of Chan-sung, and we see her smiling at the picture of him. Chan-sung wants to speak to Man-wol in banmal (informally), so he makes a deal: If he eats enough rice cakes (traditionally, rice cakes are consumed in the new year and signify growing a year older), then he can use banmal with Man-wol. They bicker about how many years each rice cake is worth, and Man-wol looks amused by his determination.

Hyun-joong admires the blossoms on the ancient tree and wonders why the flowers must sadly meet an end. We see a firefly buzz rise into the tree, transitioning into the firefly right outside the window of the restaurant. Man-wol and Chan-sung race to eat more rice cakes to gain more years, and they laugh heartily in each other's company.

Detective Young-soo presents his investigation on the serial killer and shows the website "Helllo" (hell + lo, which means "to," so translated to "To Hell"), which initially served as an online community to share concerns but deformed into an angry emotional outlet. He's confirmed that their suspect uploaded curses about his wife and commented on posts about the other victims.

Young-soo also notes that the posts about the other victims had the most views and comments. The goal of the website is to collectively hate, and Young-soo thinks that the suspect may have fulfilled these curses in real life. The victims had no idea who killed them and why.

At the hotel, Yoo-na confirms with the murder victims that the suspect in custody is not the murderer. She's convinced that the driver of the car with the ghost is their suspect and asks the victims to describe their killer to create a sketch. Hyun-joong warns her that she'll get in big trouble if Man-wol finds out about her investigation.

Murderer Ji-won tracks down the moving truck driver to ask about Yoo-na, who he identified from his car dashboard camera. The driver gives him Yoo-na's social media information, and he goes to Yoo-na's school to investigate further, pretending to be an entertainment recruiter. Yoo-na's classmates call her strange and share that Yoo-na can see ghosts. Ji-won creepily smiles in amusement.

Chan-sung approaches Bartender Kim to commend the branding of their hotel's signature drink, Tears, and suggests that he expand this menu (i.e. "Angel's Tears" and "Devil's Tears," ha). He then notices Yoo-na conversing with the murdered ghosts, and Bartender Kim explains that Yoo-na finds something unsettling about this case.

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