Since Hyun-joong called the police, they're very confused that the CCTV camera near the phone booth he used didn't record anyone making the call. Mago's sweet, older incarnation approaches Young-soo, Yeon-woo's present-day reincarnation and detective in charge of the case, and asks to borrow a quarter for the phone booth.

She gives him a pen with a little crocheted heart in exchange, admonishing him not to lose it or he'll never get married in this life (then trots off to take a call on her cell, hee). Young-soo almost throws the heart pen away, but he decides to keep it just in case.

The CEO is happy to get the letter from his granddaughter, who was abroad when he passed away. She'd included a picture, and CEO Wang sizes up Chan-sung with an eye to setting him up with Ji-eun. Chan-sung gets nervous and makes an excuse to leave, but Bartender Kim is more than happy to tell CEO Wang all about him.

He reports this to Man-wol later, having been instructed to get on CEO Wang's good side. She thinks it's awesome that he offered to help set up CEO Wang's granddaughter, but her expression goes stormy when she learns that the prospective guy is Chan-sung.

She finds Chan-sung in her office, and when she hears Bartender Kim looking for him, she slams the door shut. Bartender Kim bursts in, causing Man-wol to shove Chan-sung to hide behind the door. When Bartender Kim leaves, Man-wol and Chan-sung stay where they are, pressed closely together.

Chan-sung speaks first, asking why they're not moving, and for some reason Man-wol starts blabbering about how he likes dull, brown things. Chan-sung assumes this is her punishing him for not giving her the Mount Baekdu painting, and they get in a fight over his "greed."

Man-wol yells at him to get out and storms to her bedroom, but Chan-sung follows her to call through the door that he'll give her the painting. He also tells her to keep the medicine: "Let's leave a way for me to run away and for you to abandon me, just to be safe." He says he'll wait for her call him to reinstate him, and before he leaves, he says he'd like to eat with her at that restaurant again sometime.

In the city, a husband worries that he hasn't seen his wife in days. He goes to his car and notices something strange, and when he opens the trunk, he finds his wife's body wrapped in plastic. Young-soo and his team arrive moments later, having gotten an anonymous tip, and they arrest the husband for murder.

A short distance away, the real killer, Ji-won, watches the police as they find a dirt-covered shovel with the body — ah, he's setting the husband up as the serial killer. In the back seat of his car, the wife's ghost screams, and Ji-won cuts his finger.

After the reunion, Mi-ra asks Sanchez why he hates Ji-won so much. Sanchez says that when they were studying in the States, a Korean student committed suicide in Boston. There was a rumor that she did it because Sanchez made her do nasty things with his friends, and Sanchez eventually learned that Ji-won was behind the rumors.

In flashback we see that Sanchez had confronted Ji-won, saying that all he did was offer her a job as a waitress at a party because she needed money. Ji-won had insinuated that the student did "other things" at the party, and he'd sneered that nobody would believe Sanchez because they're all sick of his rich guy act.

Later he'd sent Sanchez a gun and a postcard telling him to kill himself, but Chan-sung had stopped Sanchez from harming himself. Chan-sung had taken the gun and gone to see Ji-won, and all Sanchez knows is that Ji-won returned to Korea soon after that. Chan-sung returns home in a foul mood, and Sanchez asks Mi-ra not to mention seeing Ji-won today.

Back at the hotel, CEO Wang approaches Man-wol about Chan-sung as a potential grandson-in-law. He wants to use the hotel's dream service to visit his granddaughter while she's sleeping and tell her about Chan-sung, and he even offers to pay in real money.

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