Her interest is piqued when Hyun-joong adds that he came to fetch her as the fourth candidate, but just then a text rolls in from Bartender Kim saying their plans are currently on hold. Yoo-na is disappointed and moreso when Hyun-joong doesn't add his contact information to her phone. She storms off, but then her phone goes off and she smiles to see a text from Hyun-joong.

Upon returning to the hotel, Hyun-joong congratulates Chan-sung on retaining his sanity. Chan-sung pouts that it seems everyone was banking on him losing his mind and Hyun-joong's awkward laugh only cements his suspicions. Meanwhile, Bartender Kim and guest manager Seo-hee pitch alternative schemes to drive Chan-sung away, but Man-wol declares he's here to stay.

The pair anxiously remind Man-wol about the tree changing, but Man-wol points out that Mago sent him for a reason. She waves off their worries about the tree blossoming, daring the flowers to force her to cross over. After she's gone, Bartender Kim gripes over her mood swings while Seo-hee is just thankful Chan-sung hasn't picked up on their scheming...

Meanwhile, Chan-sung confronts Man-wol about his suspicions and is appalled when she breezily confirms the plot to drive him crazy. Chan-sung whines that he'd thought they were his friends and Man-wol offers to reprimand everyone, but Chan-sung barks that she was in on it too. Man-wol just gripes that he always asks questions he already knows the answers to.

Realizing she's missing an earring, Man-wol orders Chan-sung to check the floor. Annoyed at her flippancy, Chan-sung kicks it under a cabinet instead. He demands to know why they tried to drive him out and Man-wol explains that the tree changed after he arrived and everyone is nervous that their time here is almost up.

Chan-sung asks why Man-wol saved him, then. She admits she wasn't going to... but then a leaf changed her mind. Plucking his dream leaf from his pocket, Chan-sung asks if that's what she meant. Man-wol agrees that a part of her the size of a leaf is what changed her mind and Chan-sung proudly asks if he won her over with just that.

Annoyed at his continued questioning of things he already knows, Man-wol barks at him to find her earring. Chan-sung cheekily wonders if finding it would be worth another leaf and Man-wol snaps at him not to bother. Her cynical nature has Chan-sung questioning whether it's a product of old age but Man-wol says she's always been that way.

Chan-sung says she's sweet in his dreams, noting her affection for Yeon-woo (her bandit comrade). Man-wol's face falls at the mention of his name and she asks if Chan-sung had seem him too. Chan-sung confirms he has and Man-wol bitterly asks if this time he thinks he might be Yeon-woo. Admitting it crossed his mind, Chan-sung says he doesn't think it's likely.

"Yeon-woo is the one who loved me the most," Man-wol whispers, "So do you love me too?" A heavy silence follows and finally Chan-sung says firmly that he doesn't. Man-wol dismisses him and disappears into her room. Sitting on her bed, Man-wol flashes back and now we see the person who'd promised to build her a house out of a tree was Yeon-woo.

Man-wol teases that she won't live with him, but Yeon-woo argues she's getting older and he doesn't want her living in a tent when she's a granny. She points out their livelihood was high-risk and she has no delusions of living a long life. Yeon-woo claims the fortune teller predicted he'd live 100 years and offers to give his time to Man-wol. She says he'll die, then, and Yeon-woo promises he'll happily die for her.

In the present, silent tears streak down Man-wol's face and Chan-sung stares at her closed door for a moment before heading home. Elsewhere, a couple watches anxiously as a shaman prepares a red pouch for a recently deceased young woman, promising the couple to marry her off in the afterlife. As the couple release the pouch on a floating lantern, they tearfully pray a good man finds it so the woman, Su-min, won't be alone.

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