Energetic Drummer-Chapter V

Start from the beginning

'Yeah what the fuck, don't say that shit.' Nikki piped up and I got out of my seat, making my way to the back of the bus.

'No, I wanna hear her say it again.' I said, stalking towards her with balled fists.

I saw Mick go to stand up but Vince sat him back down, he looked excited to see what was about to happen.

'I said, get me some food, bitch.' She repeated, wearing a smug look.

That was all I needed. I pushed her off her seat and she fell onto the dusty bus floor.

I jumped on top of her, one leg over each side and I punched her, missing her nose and instead hitting her cheek.

As soon as my fist made contact with her face I heard a eruption of cheer come from the boys.

'Get her, Rani!' I heard Vince say as I punched her again, this time getting her eye.

'Hey that's enough!' I heard Doc's voice yell and I sat up immediately, I didn't want to get in trouble or fired for that matter.

The girl took this as an opportunity to push me onto the ground now, hitting me in the mouth.

It wouldn't of hurt as much if she wasn't wearing a big chunky ring on her middle finger.

'That's it.' Tommy growled, pulling her off of me and dragging her behind him.

She tried to pull out of his grip but he was too strong. As I watched the pair, Nikki gave me a hand, pulling me up off the ground.

'Thanks.' I mumbled to the bass guitarist who smiled at me, clearly impressed.

'What a crazy bitch.' He said and I nodded in agreement.

Tommy pushed the girl off the now stopped bus. 'Get the fuck off my bus.'

As he turned around to look at me I looked away, I couldn't bare to look at him after the scene I had just caused.

Although the boys were impressed, Doc wasn't and I felt embarrassed.

'For christ sake can you all just sit and behave like adults for two seconds.' Doc sighed, making his way back to his seat. 'And when we get to the next place, clean yourself up.' He added to me.

I looked at him with knitted brows, confused. I placed my hand to my mouth, removing it seeing blood on my finger tips.

Her ring must've cut my lip.

'Here.' Tommy offered me a few napkins, I took them from him without looking at the drummer.

'Thankyou.' Was all I said before taking my seat back at the front of the bus, sitting in silence the whole trip.

I was on coffee run that night before the show started, I had picked it up from a 24/7 diner up the road, carrying two trays full all the way from down the road back to the theatre.

My hands to my surprise weren't blistered from the mess I had made from spilling the extra hot coffees a few times as I walked.

Thankfully the crew was quick to grab their coffees and I didn't have to hold the trays for much longer.

'So looks like you got stuck with the worst job of the night.' A unfamiliar boy with raven hair and icy blue eyes said to me with a light laugh.

'Yeah you've got that right.' I said smiling back. 'I'm Rani by the way.' I extended my hand and he shook it.

'I'm Ryan.'

'So what job are you stuck with?' I asked, prompting a conversation.

He chuckled. 'I didn't get stuck with anything, I'm apart of sound crew. It's a pretty neat job.'

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