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- Reed:
Palms on my desk, I closed my eyes with a sigh. "So... you say your name is 'Once?'"

The boy in front of me was lanky, flushed, and rugged-looking, not much going for him. He had dark circles under his eyes, and an awful smirk. He lounged back into my armchair, raising a brow.

"Well, your name is Greedler of all things, that's not very beco-"

"Spare me. Please. Look, kid-"

He laughed, or barked more like."Kid?  You're older than me by a couple months at most-"

I sighed again and drawled, "Why were you snooping around in my factory? And in the control room, especially? Do you have a permit? A resume, even? You could get into a whole sea of trouble, should I choose to press charges." He looked a little nervous now- I realized I had unknowingly leaned in close. I praised my subconscious, relishing his fear. "Who do you work for?"

"You know who I work for," Once spat. "And you know all the answers to your questions. Besides," He paused, smiling his gross smirk. "I just realized, you wouldn't be able to press charges, you don't have any proof! You..."

I stopped listening, instead I watched his face. It moved with such youthful conviction and scorn, I struggled to hold my laughter when his blue eyes fell. "You aren't listening... Listen to me!"

I huffed a little, smirking to myself. "Do I have to? I absolutely have evidence, by the way. Ever heard of a camera? Bet the Lorax hasn't, so you can take his speech and bite a rock, kid."

Admittedly, It shouldn't have brought such satisfaction to see him blush like that. I really can't help myself, it's been unbearable having to suppress my "tendentiam homosexualem," ever since my mom and brothers moved in. Still, this was business. I had to deal with him as I would deal with anyone else. Company information could have been compromised.

"Look, I can't send you back." I pushed my glasses down my nose, in an attempt to be more sincere. "You've seen too much. I'm truly sorry- that Lorax will miss one of his most enthusiastic followers-"

Once tensed, looking horrified. I reminded myself to keep a straight face... no matter what would come out of his mouth next. "You're gonna kill me? Really? I'm going to be killed by someone named Greedler, for sneaking into the control room-"

"No, no. I won't kill you. But, you never know, depends on how I feel and on what day," I sank into my high-backed chair, picking at my nails. "What is certain, is that you'll have to stay here until we figure something out."

He bit his lip. It was now well after midnight. Through the great windows of my office the moon shone brightly, there was no need for a lamp or candle.

Hours earlier, as I was finishing up some reports, one of my workers burst in with Once.

Upon first impression, I thought he was a young employee in need of a long discussion regarding company policy. So, I invited him to sit.

"Sir, he's an intruder! I caught him in the control center, I am afraid he may be trying to steal information."

"Is that so?" I paused, looking the subject in question over. A pout crossed his face, an indignant spark flared in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to speak-- I stood up abruptly to silence him.  "It seems we may have to chat after all."

That was when this harrowing discussion began.

Now, I had to find quarters for the brat. Hands on my hips, I searched his face one last time. "You certainly haven't made things easy for me... though it's not as if I'm unfamiliar with lack of sleep. C'mon."

If he was surprised that I grabbed his wrist, he didn't show it. We were soon out in the hall, hailing a guard.

- Once:
From the moment I saw this idiot, I hated him. He kept staring at me-- looking through me almost, as if trying to get a clear picture of my mentality. The Lorax did warn me against this, he says that, while Greedler certainly is suave, he isn't to be trusted. He also advised me that targeting the control room first was the best way to go. Whatever.

Greedler is pretty tall by the way, he's kind of scary. His clothes are an eyesore, but that suits him well. And his eyes are really, really green. Like acid or... mold or something.

I guess I should address the fact that I was apprehended. Sure. I was caught, plain and simple. Lorax will come for me though, or I think I'll go crazy. I have to stop him from destroying the forest. That's why I was sworn into the revolution.

Hm? What about when he grabbed my wrist? That was normal. Expected, even. I should probably have a bruise or something, though.

And my room? I'm an enemy from the opposite side of this war, but it's pretty nice. Nicer than my tent. It's near Greedler's office, and there's two security guards positioned outside.

I'll get by, and no matter what, I made a promise to the Lorax. One that I'm keeping.

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