Indicating the tree, Mago says that it'll blossom once more and time will return to them, suggesting Man-wol leave something pretty behind. Man-wol snaps that she has no such thing and Mago watches sadly as she sashays out of the room. Turning back to the tree, Mago makes a branch bloom which she then places on Chan-sung's chest (as he's sleeping in Man-wol's office after his run in with the vengeful spirit).

In his dreams, Chan-sung sees Man-wol from her life before, smiling brightly as Chung-myung and Yeon-woo run towards her with drinks. She holds out her hand and Chan-sung wakes up... the flower has vanished. We pick up in the hotel lobby, and Chan-sung stares up at Man-wol with new eyes.

Chan-sung thanks Man-wol for saving him and she says if he'd been wearing his ugly brown shoes, she wouldn't have. She reasons that he wore the shoes she'd picked because he was waiting for her, citing his text message about the tiger as proof he was thinking of her. Chan-sung worries Man-wol cast a spell on him and she snorts when he admits he'd dreamed of her.

Looking at her now, however, Chan-sung can't imagine she's the same girl that smiled sweetly in his dreams and dismisses the idea. Man-wol assumes it was a dirty dream and ignores Chan-sung's protests. He wonders how she brought him to the hotel and a flashback reveals she'd called the bellhop, Hyun-joong to possess him and walk back to the hotel. Hee.

Man-wol gives Chan-sung a tour of the hotel and reveals that while the hotel exists in the real world (and pays real taxes) its presence is vague so that it's only noticeable in bad weather or to people with a strong sixth sense. She adds that there are some people that search out the hotel and they have a special room for humans that insist on staying.

Standing in front of the room, Man-wol ominously says those that check in, don't check back out. She dares Chan-sung to enter and he reaches towards the door... but is only too happy to move on when she suggests there are other things to see. Man-wol leads him to the pool area and Chan-sung gapes at the ocean stretched out before him.

Man-wol simply explains that time and space are different in the hotel. As they stand on the roof, she adds that nothing in the hotel exists in the real world, no matter how beautiful. Chan-sung questions whether the same applies to her and with a sad smirk, Man-wol admits that it does. He pokes her shoulder, but it's solid and he quickly changes subjects to ask if he'd still die if he fell from the balcony.

Grabbing his arm, Man-wol warns him to be careful since he's still alive. She puts her hand on his chest and feels his heartbeat, adding that he needs to live and serve her. Chan-sung asks if she'll push him over should he refuse, but Man-wol just takes her hand away. Chan-sung says he requires good benefits and declares he'll choose his own shoes.

He admits there's no point running anymore and thinks it might be fun."I want to know more," he concludes, "about you and this hotel." As they stare at each other, neither sees a shooting star streak across the sky. Man-wol smiles and says she wasn't going to release him, anyway, as he'd caught her fancy.

As she saunters back inside, Chan-sung is rooted to the spot as he realizes it really was Man-wol in his dream. He turns back and nearly jumps out of his skin as a ghost asks for a coffee refill. Hee. Meanwhile, a schoolgirl falls from an overpass onto a passing vehicle. Her fingers twitch as her classmate, Kim Yoo-na, looks down from the overpass.

The couple in the car call in the accident and Yoo-na runs home as the other girl's eyes shut. By the time the ambulance arrives, it's too late. Yoo-na lies in bed, frowning at a silver dream-catcher necklace. A drop of blood falls on her cheek and she looks up to see the ghost of her classmate hovering on her ceiling.

The spirit falls onto her and Yoo-na rolls onto the floor... only to look back and see herself lying on the bed. Her body sits up and Yoo-na looks down to see she's now translucent. The ghost in her body holds up the necklace and announces, "This is mine."

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