"Mom, have you heard of the boy Jotaro Kujo?"

Kakyoin's mother raised a brow, "Kujo? No, I haven't. Come inside now, your father's waiting."

"Mom wait," Kakyoin stopped her before she walked back into the house. "what's the date?"

"What do you mean?"

"The year, month, day, what is it?"

Mrs. Kakyoin's face changed from confused to concern. "Noriaki? Are you oka-?"

"Just answer the question!" Kakyoin shouted, the stress starting to build up.

"...It's 1988, September 16th, is everything okay?"

'1988... that's a year before I joined the crusaders... We should be planning our trip to Egypt right about now...'

Kakyoin passed his mother and entered the house, speeding to his room. He rustled around, seeing if he could find anything from what he remembers. "...Did I go back in time or something...?" Kakyoin thought aloud as he rebuttoned his gakuran.

"Noriaki, please explain what's going on," his mother said, leaning her head into his room. 

"Not now," Kakyoin picked up his cherry earrings, which he had apparently not put on that day, and stuffed them in his pocket. "I have to go somewhere."

"You have to eat dinner first, it's probably cold by now," she pointed out, watching him head for the door again. 

"There's no time, I have to see something first. Just put it in the fridge until I'm back."

"You have to check with me and your father before you go anywhere you know! Come back here this instant Noriaki!"

His mother's voice faded as he walked farther away. He was anxious, his strides were longer, his heart beat faster, he doesn't remember feeling this way. Feeling this free to move around, feeling this free of pain. It's not familiar. Kakyoin flipped through his memories, thinking of every little thing. It was a year before he met Jotaro after the flesh bud was taken out of his brain that was put in by DIO, and a year before he got injured with a hole through his stomach, a year before he was put in the hospital, a year before he met Dr. Hashi, and a year before he developed feelings for Jotaro. 

He shook his head. Nothing could be confirmed until he figured this out. But it couldn't have been a dream, it all felt so... real. He put all of his uneasy thoughts aside and focused on his destination:

The Kujo residence. 

Kakyoin knocked on the familiar door, hoping they were home. A few seconds later, the door opened to show Holly, who looked only a little different. "Hello! How can I help you?"

Kakyoin gave a kind smile with a small wave. "Hi Mrs. Holly-" Kakyoin stopped himself. She didn't tell him her name, it would seem weird that he already knew it. 

"Oh? And how do you know my name?"

"Sorry, I can explain later. But I'm here to ask if Jotaro Kujo is home?" he smiled nervously.

"Oh! Did he make a friend? Yes! He's right down the hall, the house is a little complicated, if you'd like me to show you the way I could."

"I think I'll be fine, thank you." Kakyoin removed his shoes and made his way towards Jotaro's room.

Holly watched him walk away, a little confused about how he knows her name and way around the house. But she let it go, he seemed nice.

Kakyoin stopped in front of Jotaro's door, taking a deep breath in. 'Please be the Jotaro I think I know.' Kakyoin knocked on the thin door, hearing a grumble and some rustling. And about a second later, the door opened. Being greeted with Jotaro's huge figure made him remember how tall he was, startling him a little.

"Do I know you?" Jotaro retorted. 

Kakyoin's heart throbbed. Not in the 'meet-cute' kind of way, but the way of hurt. "Jotaro, please tell me you remember me," Kakyoin stressed.

Jotaro raised a brow. "I don't."

Kakyoin dug through his pockets and took out the cherry earrings. "What about these? Do you remember these?"

Jotaro shook his head with a sigh, "Listen, I don't know who you are or who you're looking for. But I'm not your guy." Jotaro began to slide his door back shut, but was stopped by Kakyoin's foot.

"Then where can I find Joseph Joestar!" He shouted. "Your Grandfather. Joseph Joestar. He's planning to visit you next year. I know your mother Holly, and that you love her cooking. I know you hate the girls that fawn over you at school. I know you wear ¥20,000 pants for a reason even I don't know."

"Yeah but a lot of people could know that, now I don't know what point you're trying to prove here but-"

"And I know you have an obsession with dolphins."

Both boys went quiet, and the door slid back open to show an embarrassed Jotaro. "Explain yourself."


"We're screwed now! You know Kujo, he'll kill us even if it kills him. His determination is not something to be underestimated."

"Yes master."

"What's the news."

"Kakyoin is in a coma, this prevents him from giving any information to Jotaro or investigators. We're in the clear."

"Didn't you just hear me!? Kujo will do anything for that precious Kakyoin of his. We're in the clear for now."

"My apologies master."

"Now, go do what you promised me."

"And that is?"

"Remove our obstacle dammit!"

"Yes master, right away."

(2151 Words)
-End of Chapter Ten-
To be continued...

Finding Lost Love (Jotakak)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora