The Unknown Objects

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Looking around I see a house that is familiar.. but at the same time isn't. It's my aunt's house. Normally It only has three rooms but this one has extra rooms and big open windows.

I see a dozen people that I don't know, unfamiliar faces everywhere I look. Except for my friend that is by my side, he tells me that we should go outside to get some air. So we both make our way to the front door just to be stopped by the person that is in control. "You can't go outside. Weird things are happening."

We both looked at each other in disbelief. We didn't bother asking what weird things were happening outside. So we head back to my room with our heads hanging. But my friend wasn't going to let that stop us from making our way outside. "Come on, let's go outside through here." He said as he points to the window. He moves the curtains behind him and with soft swift he lifts the window and jumps outside.

"Come on," he said with an impatience tone on his voice. Hesitating a little I look around making sure that no one is around to see us. Before I make my way to him I hear my friend gasp in surprise. I turn to look at what was happening hurrying to move the curtains out of the way. he was looking up, with his mouth open. I look up to see what he was seen and the moment I lock eyes with what he was seeing I was speechless.

There was something that couldn't be described with words. Something round... almost like a huge chunk of meat floating a couple of feet away from my friend. Taking advantage of us been dumbfounded it released something that looked like a tentacle down to my friend.

I came back to my senses and grabbed my friend's arm trying to pull him back in. "Get back inside! Hurry!" I yelled at him desperately, clutching his arm tightly. But he seemed shocked or in a trance that he wasn't listening to me at all. With a quick movement the tentacle wrapped around my friend's neck and with a quick motion pulled him up.

I quickly jumped out the window to look up at the sky where my friend was taken but there was no hint of him or of that thing anymore. I went back through the window and rushed to find the person that had warned us not to go outside.

"My friend was taken by some unknown floating thing!" I yelled at him hysterically. Without any hint of surprise or care he just asked. "Explain" and quickly explained what just happened.

"We need to look for him! what if his outside somewhere!?" The guy who seems to be the leader of the house didn't say anything. He seemed deep in thought before he pointed to a group of people with a "come here" gesture.

After explaining to those people what happened we all went outside to look for my friend. But there were no signs of him or that thing I saw anywhere. When all of the sudden one by one the people that were outside started to disappear.

"Everyone go back inside now!" Screamed the leader. I quickly ran inside and watched through the window how people started been pulled up to the sky by tentacles just like my friend.

But through the corner of my eye I noticed something... there was a huge spike of heat on the thermometer that was on the wall. "Could that be linked to those things outside?" and then suddenly the temperature went back to normal. And I noticed that no one was been taken anymore. I grabbed the thermometer from the wall and put it into my pocket just in case.

After all the commotion died down, the leader got everyone together and explained that he had a meeting with the nearby neighbors. Everyone that was on the house got in a group, deciding to follow the leader to the house that's a few houses away from where we were.

When we arrived someone came to greet us and explained that only the leader and its helper were allowed inside and that everyone else was forced to wait outside. Angrily I exclaimed "It is dangerous outside for all of us to wait." The guy just shrugged and left, with the leader and the assistant walking close behind.

I looked up and noticed that there was a big roof high above our heads.

Like that is going to help stop those things...

I took out the thermometer and starred at it to see if any change happened.

So far it looked normal and looked up at the empty blue sky. But suddenly a gust of wind came out of nowhere catching everyone off guard. Afraid of what I think it might be, I look down on the thermometer just to see a huge spike of heat happen.

Panicked I quickly look around to see where it is safe to go. I see a van and I quickly run towards it to check if it is unlocked. For my luck it was. I quickly open it and I start screaming for people to get in. At first people didn't understand the urgency of my voice. Since nothing was happening around them some of them just ignored me and continued doing their stuff. There were just a couple of people that did listen to me and came inside.

One of them asked, "Is something going to happen?" I nodded and explained how I noticed the heat spike go up, when all of a sudden all hell broke loose.

People were starting to get pulled up to the sky. Now more people started to come into the van until one got into the driver's seat and turned it on. After no more people fit in they decided to drive away. Through the windows I could see people running in around, not knowing what to do. I felt intense sadness knowing that I couldn't do anything for them. I closed my eyes and looked away not baring to see anymore.

Finally the person driving came to a stop in front of this apartment building.

We slowly sneaked in and found out that there was this empty room, we made our way in and noticed that it had been empty for some time. The reason we knew that is because the room was full of dust and cobwebs. Whoever lived there didn't bother cleaning or taken any of there stuff with them. But it was better for us.. for now.

After clearing out space for all of us to sleep and cleaning a bit, we all got in a circle to figure out what to do next.

"We need to take turns going shopping for the things we need." Everyone agreed with that.

But... days later, the groups of two sent to bring food weren't coming back anymore. We couldn't figure out if maybe they found a better place or they got take away by those things.

We weren't even sure anymore how we were going to survive. All we could do is look outside the window hoping to see a ray of hope.

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