{1} The new girl

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I'm so sorry-

J1mmy Nutron was a bad bo1. He always got in trôublé. He had a nice bödy that attracted all the thòts. He walked the halls with his partners in crime. Shrek and Carl. No one fucked with Shrek. He was a féräl man. Carl was the most dangerous of the group though. His beautiful face along with his épîç attacks. He was the leader of the bâd bøî group. They were the highest of the high, no one would ever get close to them. Or so they thought. They really thöught that was true.

Ton was the new shy girl. She held her books to her chest shyly. She waddled down the halls nervously. No one knew who she was, obivously. She was new. Who the fuck knows the new kid? What kind of logi- anyways, as I was saying. Ton walked to her locker innocently. She had a bit of trouble opening it, because fuck lockers bro. Suddenly a tall man with a séxî bødy showed up behind her. His shadow loomed over her. "Do you need help?" The bîg mâñ asked with a small blush. It was Jimmy. Ton turned around and looked the séxî bøy up and down with a nod. "Y-yes i-i d-do, uwu." She studdered as she twisted her lóng brôwn häír with her smâll fîñgérs.

Jimmy Nutron gently moved her out of his way so he could open it. He took a deep breath before showing his lârgé bûílt ârms. He ÂGGRÉSSÎVÉLY beating the fuck out of the locker until the door popped off the hinges. Be stepped back and looked at Ton, who was drøølîng over his bèâutîfúl arms. "There you go, new girl." Jimmy winked. Ton realized she was staring and instantly shook her head to get staring to stop. "o-oh, t-thank y-you. OWO." She whispered. "M-my n-name i-is T-ton. OwU" Jimmy blused at her cûtéñéss.

"My name is Jimmy."

Bad boy {Jimmy Neutron x Ton}Where stories live. Discover now