Chapter 9- because I love you

Start from the beginning

"Oh your ok." She gushed, hugging me tight.

"Hold on their, give her some space." A man in white said.

"what happened?" I asked touching my throbbing head.

"you hit your head on something and passed out." he looked too familiar.

"Not the first time..." I trail off trying to see if I can picture him somewhere before.

"Is there any pain?" he asks bringing out a notebook.

"just a little, but it's mainly in my head." he scribbles some stuff down.

"is that it?

"No, have I met you before." he smirks at me.

"I don't know have you." with that he walks out, his blue eyes just seem to stay around in my head.

"Darce, that was weird." I laugh slapping her arm.

"Darce?" someone questions.

I turn and see one person there, he looks exactly like the doctor, like the guy in my dreams. What's happening?

"Why?" I ask on the brink of crying.

"Because I love you."

My eyes flicker open and I'm in my 'pink room'. Huh? This looks as though, no tissues, no nothing, it looks like the first week I was here. That's when it hits me, I was dreaming. When I ran in here after my kiss with Zayn, I stayed alseep. The pain starts rushing through me, the tears spill over my cheeks causing a wet spot to form in my pillow. I sit there for almost an hour crying, when my door opens. Louis walks in, his eyes filled with tired. For some reason I felt anger boil in my blood and I stand up from bed, charging at him with balled fists.

"you." I say angrily.

"what?" he asked backing away from me.

"you people are ruining my life, my whole life." I take a breath and continue," I'm stressing more then ever, Darcy is probably worried about me, yet you Guys couldn't care less since you obviously have no feelings for me."

"Kelsey, im sorry." he try's to hug me but I push him away.

"I hate you." I spat.

"I know." he sighs.

"get out." I mutter.

"Kelsey, pl-"

"Get out!" I yell furiously.

He closes his eyes and walks out shutting the door behind him. I look around my room and remember the window behind my dresser. My feet quickly and silently as possible to the dresser, my full force barely moves it but just enough for me to squeeze through. I slide the window open and look down, two storys, a car right below me, I'd be okay. A quick prayer slips from lips before I jump.


Louis POV

I sit in the extremely uncomfortable chair as I watch Kelsey's in the hospital bed. It's six in the morning and all of us are down here because of something dumb we did. She's ina hospital bed because of me, because I didn't have the courage to let her go, maybe that was it. You love something set it free, yet I held onto her. There's a groan and her beautiful blue eyes flutter open.

"Kel!" I shout, hugging her right away.

"huh?" she breathes pushing me off her.

"I know you may still be mad but I'm sorry, I was worried we lost you." she just looks at me like what-the-hell-are-you-saying.

"She's awake guys." Zayn calls bursting through the door.

This time she's fully awake and her eyes are wide open.

"it's ok kel." I say reaching to touch her hand.

"What?" she asks, extremely frightened.

"it's us." Harry laughs.

"And who would you be?" she looked at us funny.

"It's me Louis." I set my hand on hers, she pulls away instantly.

"Whos that?" no.

"No..." I mumble. I stand up and walk out of her room.

I slam the door shut and push my back up against the wall.

"Why?" I whisper," Why?"

She didn't deserve to have this, she's kidnapped and we can't let her go, not now. We knew by kidnapping her there was a slight chsnce we wouldn't be able to let her leave, ever, but Harry didn't want to look like a baby or be known as a baby and had to choose her to take. I would trade my own for her, I would trade anything for her.

I sit against the wall crying, yes, crying. There has to be a way for her to gain it all back, wait. Maybe this is good, that means she has no memory of Eric, or her father, or us kidnapping her, or Darcy.

I take a raspy breath and walk back into the room.


I know it's short, sorry!

Woah, what the heck happened? It was all a dream, she still stuck as prisoner...and a virgin :D

Well that's a weird chappie, who say same. Ok so contest winner, you will be in the book, I promise.

four comments left :)

~keep on lovin and livin~

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