~20~ Chris Evans

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Baking. It's harder than it looks. You got all of the stuff ready, but of course the pan you needed was a weird size and those sizes were stored on top of the stove, out of your reach. You didn't want to disturb your boyfriend Chris who seemed comfortable on the cough, so you pulled a chair from the kitchen table and stood on that. Everything seemed to go smoothly, untill you pulled the pan you needed out and it caused a pan-avalanche. "INCONCEIVABLE!" you shouted.

The clattering of the pans and your shouting made Chris rush into the kitchen with a confused face. "Did you just shout 'inconceivable'?" he asked.



"I watched the Princess Bride yesterday while you were taking a nap."

"Oh. Do you want me to help you with this?"

".... Yes please."

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