Chapter 4 - The letter that use to give me hope.

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Roxi hadn't slept, the conversation with Roxanne replayed in her mind again and again. She hadn't moved when her alarm went. 'That stupid, pointless no good-' Roxi thought, and stooped. 'You're thinking like her, like Roxanne.' 

Roxi sighed. She slowly got up, 'I need to calm down. Or father'll hear my- No, why would he care? He never had. The way he looks at me- Stop it. You're doing it again. But it's true!' Roxi's thoughts slowly grew louder within her head.

She took a breath, her head started to hurt as she walked to her wordrobe. She opened it, looking for something to wear, her last outfit, 'Better look nice- Who for- Whoever.' She couldn't stop. The internal arguments it was like Roxanne was standing right there, and Roxanne? Roxanne was like her mother.

Roxi started to think of her mother the one she had before she was sent away - sent away to that nasty place - and she frowened, a cold women. A bitter women. And even if she never hurt her - like her not father would often do -  her words would sting, cut deeper then any knife.

Roxi was on the floor in front of her wordrobe, she had seen a box, a box she remembered, she took it out, placing it onto her lap. She opened the box and inside was a letter, she had fogotten about that letter. Or did Roxanne make her forget? 

Roxi looked over her shoulder, making sure she wasn't there before opening the letter and began to read it;

To Roxi Danger Xavier, 

                                           Hi there. How's life? How long has it been since you, I, We, wrote this? I bet we forgot didn't we? Are things simpler? Do you still have to deal with her? I hope your breaks from her are more frequent then mine. I hope you don't have to deal with it at all.

Are you still drawing? I bet you're better now. 'I bet you'll be an artist when you grow up.' Miss Cloche would say.

Did you find daddy? Is he as nice as people say he is? And Peter? How is he? Did he ever get to talk to his dad? Remember how he'd call him Dadneto? Does he still do that?

I really hope you can still read my writing. Does she, does, Roxanne, still make us have them thoughts? Please remember they're not real. Don't let her convince you. If she does that she wins. Don't let her win.

Find something to hold on to, if you've made it far enough to read this then you can make it even longer. I know you can.

Be bold, be kind and be brave. Like we've always wanted to be. Like we promised. Like we have to be.

Have an amazing life Roxi, make this most of it.

                 Roxi Danger Xavier.

Roxi smiled a real, genuine smile, as she finished reading the letter. She folded it neatly, put on a clean set of cloths, and slipped the letter into her pocket, before waking out the door.

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