Rose laughed a bit. But they all three head back to where they go.

Deep inside, Cry felt like that hole was meant to go through. She looked behind her, at the hole... this was the only area where the screens didn't work. She knew why... but why was the hole there?

"Cry?" Rose had stopped behind her.

Cry turned and nodded. "It's nothing." She mumbled as she made her way through the ruins towards her home.


Outside of Lumina...

Dragon stood at the gates to Lumina, with his crystal sword on his back. The shiny gates reflected his image... his two different color eyes stared back at him... one blue, one red. His dark air blew in the gentle wind.

He saw the sparkle of his sword in the reflection as he grunt.

"Now... how do I get somebody's attention..." He reached behind him for his sword.

"Uh... hey... down there!" A voice from above yelled at him. "What's your business here?"

Dragon shield his eyes with his hand. "I'm a merc... I'm here for business."

He reached behind him for the letter just as the door opened up at the gates... Dragon grunt as he stared at the guard dressed in armor slowly come to him.

"You're here for the monsters from the hole?" The guard asked nervously.

Dragon nodded as he handed over the letter.

The guard took it and read it over fast... he then opened the door wider for Dragon.

"Hm." Dragon walked past the guard, ignoring everything the guard was doing.

"Hey, wait!" The guard ran towards him after going in... "Do... do you know where you're going?"

Dragon stopped... he turned to the guard. "Yea."

The guard nodded... "So you've been... here before then?"

Dragon just grunt and walked on towards the center of the city... this fake city.  He knew of this city when he was little... his family had escaped from their village Koko because of the war... since then, they had went back, trying to rebuild. His tribe were so little but they were needed to protect the village again.

Dragon was given the crystal sword from his father just before he passed away.

Something about the missing stars made him felt weak. Only Dragon knew just as he watched his mother go mad after the passing of his father. He became a mercenary for money because it was his only chance to survive in this world Alia.

Deep down, the crystal sword was telling him that Alia was in trouble...

Dragon finally stood before the high steps of the mayor's office... the mayor of Lumina was not a good person at all.

But Dragon didn't care... only for the money and the protection of this world.

He climbed up the steps and stood at the high black doors... he walked in...

"Oh! You're here!" The secretory of the front desk stood up. She smiled at Dragon as she pointed to the elevators. "The mayor has been expecting you. Just go up to the top floor!"

Dragon grunt as he walked to the elevator, pressing the button up... waiting for them to come.

"So... you're... here.. finally." That guard again. Dragon looked at him...

"Don't you have a job, guarding, or something?" Dragon grumbled at him.

The guard looked scared as he backed away and took off through the front doors.

"Good grief." Dragon mumbled just as the doors opened up...

He noticed the windows through the elevators... "Hmm." Dragon marveled a bit.

Dragon pressed the top floor... which was floor 20 with his gloved hand.

As the elevator began to raise, Dragon leaned towards the window, watching the screens around him... he seen the wall with the hole in it... the screens around it were black and broken.

Using his red eye, he zoomed to the hole... he seen the monsters there. He counted about 5 monsters there...

But something else caught his eye... a girl... but she wasn't where the monsters were. In fact, she was standing on one of the broken buildings there... looking at what seemed to be towards the wall.

Dragon grunt. "Stupid girl."

Yet, something about this girl seemed to intrigue Dragon deep down. He really couldn't placed his finger on it.

Soon, the doors of the elevator opened with a small ding. He rest his red eye a bit as he looked away from the windows.

He went out, but he looked over at his shoulder towards the window... just as the doors of the elevator closed... his mind wondered why his sword suddenly felt weird.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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