Rage about... Youtube and money

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No. Stop. Stfu. Gtfo. K bye.

Alright guys. I will be talking about youtube. Now a lot of this type of hate comes from games, such as Minecraft. I myself happen to play, and I enjoy Mineplex etc. I'm a girl, yes. Anyways thats a rage for another time. So youtube minecraft gamers. Our youtuber is....


How great huh? He makes videos for us and more than half the comments are hate or advertising. Advertising... Anyways, even if its for the money, just enjoy the video kay? Who doesn't want to make easy money, I mean? Come on. Don't be that, "NOT ME," guy, cause I know everyone likes money somehow.

Gamer- Buy games
Nerds: School books new glasses etc
"Popular Girls" - Makeup purses etc
"Popular Jock": New football

Now let me begin the REAL rage.

Easy ways to not waste your time commenting "MONEY WHO**!!!"
Way 1: The most obvious way my two year old brother would know. STOP WATCHING THEM! Like literally, why are you watching them to waste time saying basically, "hahahhaha! IM BETTER THAN YOU MITCH! YOU SUCK! OOHH!"

Translation: Im annoying and I should just go back to watching my little cousin so I don't disappoint my mommy.

Sorry. It is harsh, but so are these STUPID haters. Omg just STFU!!! Stop.


Please stop!!!

Way 2: More difficult for tryhards
Leave a nice comment, OR NOTHING! KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! DO YOU THINK YOUR COMMENT IS GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING? Might make it worse, yeah, but then? Go eat a popsicle. Chill.

Way 3: Make the hate comments more nice,
Example: (Mean comment) "Mitch stop posting youtube please, you suck and your stupid and shdbskxns!" I don't recall who's the stupid one here.
(Way to make it nicer)
"Mitch please try to make your content better, I don't laugh as much now :) But hope you reach 5 mil :D!"

Thins I see: So the people claim to "hate" them but literally know everything about him,
Example: "Mitch, Im coming to your (insert) house in the state (insert) with betty, and killing you, and your beautiful brown hair! So you wont post your (insert number) episode of HG!"
Okay sooo.. First. You know their name, where they live, the house and the state. Am I the only worried person? They know you love Betty, and what episode of HG your about to be on! Plus what you look like. Um. So much for hating them hm?

Well that concludes this rage! Byee

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